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War Dept. Document from 1825 Reveals Critical Clue to Missing 13th Amendment

The Idaho Observer

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KANSAS CITY -- The Comfort Inn here was the third stop for Freedom Drive, 2002, and the place where Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) researcher Suzanne Nevling of San Francisco, California produced a copy of “Military Laws of the United States to which is prefixed the Constitution of the United States.”

The book, published under authority of the War Department in 1825, proves that the original 13th Amendment that prohibits Americans from holding Titles of Nobility, was part of the Constitution until it was mysteriously replaced with a new 13th Amendment that banned slavery after the Civil War. “When we found this book last September we knew that we had found that the original 13th Amendment was part of the Constitution as of 1825,” Nevling said.

Previous TONA research proves that on March 12, 1819, Virginia became the 13th and final state required for ratification of the original 13th Amendment when it published in the laws of Virginia Act No. 280 as passed by its legislature.

TONA research has shown that the state of Virginia forwarded copies of its revised code to the Department of State, the Congress, the Library of Congress and the President.

There is no indication in the Congressional Record or any other official journal that the original 13th Amendment has been repealed. In the absence of a lawful explanation as to the whereabouts of the missing 13th Amendment, we have little choice but to infer that it is still the law of the land and those who hold titles of nobility or receive largesse from foreign nations are no longer American citizens. Such persons, per the Amendment, are not capable, “... of holding any office of trust or profit...”

The original 13th Amendment is found in copies of the Constitution published up to 1876. From that point on, the original 13th Amendment no longer appears and is replaced by the 13th Amendment that prohibits slavery. It is still a mystery as to how the slavery amendment, ratified under President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, replaced the title of nobility amendment of 1819 in all copies of the Constitution published since 1876.

TONA researchers have been doggedly trying to find out where a properly ratified and never repealed constitutional amendment has been hiding for the last 126 years. Though the exact political location of the missing 13th Amendment has eluded them since David Dodge began researching the issue in the early 1980s, Nevling believes that the final pieces of the TONA puzzle will reveal themselves in due course.

Now more than ever

We currently live in an era where advances in communications, travel and commerce have all but dissolved the boundaries of sovereign nations. Adding to the intrigue we have the governments of what remains of sovereign nations operating under credit afforded them by multinational corporation-owned banks that hold the assets and resources of the nation as collateral on the loans. If there has ever been a period in American history where influential persons may be compelled to compromise national security in trade for titles of nobility, presents, pensions, salaries, offices or other “emoluments,” it is now.

The purpose of the original 13th Amendment, which at the time of its ratification had popular support, was to add severe penalties to prohibitions against the acceptance of titles of nobility or other favors from foreign powers as found in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution.

The Founders understood that history was replete with examples of how public servants accepted favors from foreign interests to the severe detriment of national security. The Founders concern was so great they addressed it in the first article of the Constitution.

The Founders saw that the Constitutional provision alone was not sufficient to deter influential individuals from entering into potentially disastrous relationships with representatives of foreign nations. The result was ratification of the original 13th Amendment during the administration of President James Monroe.

“This Article of Amendment is intimately connected to questions of war and national defense. It is designed to combat internal subversion and discord sowed by people who are adhering to foreign powers without stepping across the bold Constitutional line of treason,” TONA researchers explain.

All attorneys and judges who claim the title “esquire,” a title of English nobility beneath knighthood and extended to professional men, are incapable of holding public office under the Amendment. If enforced, nearly half the legislators in office throughout America would be removed from office and stripped of their citizenship.

A partial list of influential Americans who have been “honorarily” knighted by the Queen of England include Henry Kissinger, Norman Schwarzkopf, Colin Powell, Casper Weinberger, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Sr., Rudy Giullani and Alan Greenspan. If the real 13th Amendment were enforced those men would be stripped of their citizenship and would not be allowed to hold positions of public trust.

Sir Alan Greenspan is often referred to as the most powerful man in America because he is the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board -- the consortium of private international bankers who control the U.S. money supply.

Sir Henry Kissinger, former secretary of state under President Nixon and the man whose foreign policies have been behind nearly every genocidal event on earth since WWII (according to a 36-page report in Harper's magazine [The Making of a War Criminal, Feb. 26, 2000]) has been nominated to head an independent investigation of the 9-11 tragedy.

Sir Colin Powell is the current Secretary of State.

Sir George Bush, Sr., is the father of current President George Bush, Jr., and has arguably been the real U.S. president since the Sir Ronald Reagan era began in 1980.

With so many of the queen's knights holding American public office, one has to wonder who really won the Revolutionary War. The U.S. government is comprised of men who, while entrusted with our most vital national security interests, have accepted favors from foreign interests -- the same favors which are prohibited by both the Constitution and a (missing?) constitutional amendment.

“[Enforcement of the original 13th Amendment would be] particularly applicable today in the 21st Century as government is increasingly for sale to the highest bidder, as foreign and multinational corporations and individuals compete to line the pockets of politicians and political parties to accommodate and purchase protection or privilege, i.e. honors, for their special interests,” commented the TONA Research Committee.

“The law is still there,” the group insists, waiting only to be publicly recognized and enforced once again to protect the Sovereignty and Interests of WE THE PEOPLE, and to force the elected representatives of the people to adhere strictly to their solemn and binding oath of office and the limitations of government imposed by the Constitution.

Those interested in the quest to find the political hiding place of the missing 13th Amendment should visit the website at The TONA Research Committee has been posting the results of its research at the site which contains both text and electronic images of documents critical to the investigation.