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St. Germain --U.S. Constitution - "I AM" Fundamentals"

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ee Men and to be the Freedom of Life to the people---you must know that the Source which gave That is more Powerful than the rest of the world. The Source which gave your Constitution is greater than all Earth and all upon it!

PAGE 173

"We love the world, but the Heart must be guarded! Don't allow contamination of your principles or the abrogating of the Authority of your Constitution to be allowed anywhere in this Land! Make those in office very definitely know that! You have been entrusted with a Divine GIFT ---THE God-Constitution of the United States of America. It has blessed you for many years. It is entitled to your Protection now, so those who come after you, may not return to the slavery which once was within your Land.....

"Those who are of the Light within this Land shall be clothed in My Cosmic Power of Divine Love---Power that is Absolute---so long as their motive is to free America, protect Her people and Her God-Constitutional form of Government. The hour is at hand when the Cosmic Powers must come forth and give Protection to all who want to save the God-Constitutional Government of the United States of America.

PAGE 174

"In your Beloved America, in the not so far distant future, will come forth a similar recognition of the Real Inner Self, and this Her people will express in high attainment. She is a Land of Light, and Her Light shall blaze forth, brilliant as the Sun at noonday, among the nations of Earth. She was a Land of Great Light ages ago, and will again come into Her spiritual heritage, for nothing can prevent it. She is strong within Her own mind and body---stronger than you think; and that strength She will exert to rise out of, and throw off from border to border, all that weighs heavily upon Her, at the present time.

"America has a destiny of great import to the other nations of the Earth, and Those who have watched over Her for centuries still watch. Through Their Protection and Love, She shall fulfill that destiny. America! We, the Ascended Host of Light, love and guard you. America! We love you.

"Do you think We forget the rest of the world in this Service to America, when there is no race or nation to Us? Then why do we urge you to call and give this Service to America? Because America is the "Cup of Light" to the Earth. The Law, the Great Cosmic Law compels it to be so! It is not anyone's particular desire; but because it is so, We must first render this Service and Assistance to America, so this Light expands and the rest of the world may be Free!"

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