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Three Ultimates

From Dave Wilbur

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you vote does not prove you are free, it just shows you are a slave who votes."--anonymous

One page by that anonymous writer should show any literate person that we are slaves. I have five pages, how many do you want?

The following was written by a wise descendant of African slaves:

----- Original Message -----

From: "John Mills"


Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 9:22 AM

Subject: Re: [wtp-loit] Re: The reality of Citizenship "FACT" vs. 'TRUTH'

Remember Dred Scott! That ruling was not changed by the Civil War, nor the 14th Amendment. It is the law to this day. Though still reconstructing American Individual Liberty and the national sovereignty of this American people to this day, the District of Columbia Military Reconstructionist Government, triumphant conquerors in yet another WAR OF CONQUEST AND CONSOLIDATED EMPIRE, the Civil War, may have offered the Dred Scotts of that era all the "privileges" and "benefits" they could swallow, confessing, thereby, that they wished to be incompetents, and therefore, wards, of the Reconstructionist North-Eastern Establishment's Welfare State.

As Dred Scott was a slave standing in a "free" state, and questioning his status as the property of his owner, despite the somewhat useful dicta which comprised most of the report, the Dred Scott ruling actually determined only that the court had taken jurisdiction in the case to declare that the Central Government really had no jurisdiction in question. Result? His owner HAD NO FEDERAL REMEDY. That which is not Federal is the province of the states or the people. Thus, a slave's status was determined, exclusively, by the laws of the Several Sovereign States. That is the law to this day: "property" is still a matter of state law, and common law.

Everyone is now "required" to sign up at the Federal Zone Temple, and volunteer to be a "citizen" of this Bolshevik, Globalist usurper in order to enjoy its peace and security. It cannot impress you into its service: you not only must volunteer to apply for and then ACTIVATE a Social Security Account in order to be SUBJECT to, and therefore LIABLE for a tax even to "pay" its imaginary-taxes with fiat-credit "money".

The Constitution has not been changed one iota. THE VOLUNTEERS have been changed by delusion. Can you imagine Patrick Henry or Thomas Jefferson volunteering to become wards of an Unlimited Central Government with a STANDING ARMY IN THE LAND to enforce its extra-constitutional will. The very Constitution of 1789 these men wrote stands to this day (And, by the way, like "the murderous right to privacy", neither the word, nor the concept "succession" appears anywhere in it.) It has been overlaid by confidence men who are coming in appearance as though they are actually angels of light, cajoling, coercing, and convincing, now, all the peoples of the earth that they know best -ABOUT EVERYTHING, that they are competent, and We incompetent, and are to be led into the future planned for us. They are the "new" slave masters, today's Teflon coated forked tongues, who, devolved from the Serpent shimmering in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden, delude hedonism itself into becoming like them. If you eat their promised Fruits Of Delusion OF EACH FORK OF THEIR TONGUE, the one "PEACE AND SECURITY", and the other, the social dangers if Individual Liberty, self-reliance, and self-government were to be let loose in the land, YE SHALL SURELY DIE! Do not eat their pottage, laden with the arsenic of the fruits of their greed.

Upon judgment, Dred Scott could have looked at the judge, looked over to his owner, turned, walked right out of that courtroom, and become a denizen living on the land by his own wits, just as we all should be doing. His owner HAD NO FEDERAL REMEDY. The question of Federal "citizenship" had been, and is to this day, clearly delineated, AND LIMITED, by the Constitution. The Dred Scott court made that clear in 1837. It is the same today (See the Constitution of California of 1849, and the same in 1879. One OVERLAYS AND DOES NOT REPEAL the other. This is probably true in all of the other States.) No one can be "required" to "be" a "citizen" of today's Federal Reserve Corporation's ARTIFICIAL PERSON, the present United States Reconstructionist Military Government Corporation. To enjoy its uncivil "rights", its Birthright-for-a Mess-of-Pottage, extra-constitutional "privileges", and its nonexistent immunities, YOU, MR. and MS UNITED STATES' PERSON, MUST VOLUNTEER!!! You must sign something, take one step forward, contract, become an indentured servant, and worship the god-of-this-world Total Global Bolshevik Governance.
