From Pat Smallwood
Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes has issued a strong statement (below) for patriots to act as necessary when the next San Jose stand-down happens again. Also....read the statements by two San Jose undercover police that were in the middle of the melee.
It's tragic when it becomes extremely dangerous to attend a political rally in America.
The thug left are a small part of the liberal / socialist political segment, but Hillary Clinton and her minions have seized on the opportunity to activate her thugs to inflict fear, hate and bodily harm. Clinton should be ashamed of herself and should be in prison, but the administration is doing everything they can to hold-off the investigation into her espionage violations until after the election.
We are in some serious shit in this country and WE must unite to counter the socialist / communist take-over by (her) "Brown Shirt" thugs. Note: In her 2006 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Hillary stated the need to keep Mexicans from entering illegally by building a "physical barrier." Now....she wants them to support her??? Hispanics and others that love America should really think about who they are about to vote for. The country you left was full of corruption at the very top....is that what you want again?
The GOP convention in Cleveland is expected to be a war zone of civil war magnitude and if there is a "stand-down" again....there will be death this time. On top of that....Obama is surely considering the opportunity to cancel the November elections.
We are ALL backed into a corner that requires a response. The fight for America is on.....all others that want their socialism, go back to your country where you left socialism and communism, don't try to spread that disease on true Americans. Socialism in America isn't going to resemble something better than what you had. Venezuela is a good example...
What Civil War II Looks Like by Dave Bertrand
From The Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int'l Freight Captain, DC-3, BE-1900, DC-8, & B-727 Ratings / U.S. Army Veteran Vietnam era (Korea) Military Police Communications Sergeant, Artillery FADAC Computer Specialist, Law Enforcement trained, Int'l Aircraft Repo Agent, U.S. Customs Undercover (C.I.), Dept. of Correction Adult & Juvenile Detention Youth Care, Bail Bondsman / Fugitive Recovery Agent, DHS/HWW (Commercial Driver) Counter-Terrorism Instructor, Media Relations Director MCDC, Political Activist, Border Security Expert, Ranch Security & Off-the-Grid from AZ to MT. Basic Rural Survivalist & Prepper that believes in God and Country.
Documentaries: "Southern Exposure," "Undocumented the Movie" & "Global Mighty Freight Dog"
Opinions and discussion of today's hard hitting topics. If you wish to be removed....reply within, or enlighten someone else by forwarding. I have no sponsors and I sell nothing, no editor, but plenty on my mind. I encourage everyone to network your thoughts and comments and don't worry about grammar, especially mine. Those that bark the loudest, usually have nothing more to say....
Under Cover San Jose Officer #1:[…] Throughout the afternoon and evening I watched several individuals wearing “Trump” articles of clothing getting punched, kicked and pushed.
Under Cover #2:[…] I was assigned to the Covert Response Unit and dressed in a plainclothes capacity. … As time came closer to 18:00 more protesters arrived; mostly younger males and females between the ages of 14 to 25. … some began burning the United States flag in the middle of the street. It became inherently dangerous for anyone wearing a hat or T-Shirt in support of Trump. I observed Trump supporters being spit on, objects being thrown at them, punched, kicked and even robbed of their personal belongings. In these instances I observed victims running for their lives because protesters began adopting the mob mentality and attacking people. I was unable to make contact with any of these victims due to my undercover capacity and fear for my own safety as well.
I strongly recommend going to the original article and following their embedded links, where readers will learn about the Mayor’s complicity in the police stand-down and the official policy for police to allow this to take place outside a Trump for President rally on June 02. Example:
San Jose Police Chief Garcia admitted his officers were instructed not to stop violent protesters from beating the Trump rally attendees. In addition the San Jose Mayor has openly admitted to approving the San Jose police departments plans, and blamed Donald Trump for having the audacity to have a rally in “his city“.
Do goto the original site and check the other embedded links to get yet more insight into what transpired, and did not transpire but should have. And if you want to go up a level or two in your perception of today’s America, check out Michael Shaw’s outstanding work on the Globalization of California.
Message From Stewart Rhodes
No American, anywhere, whether you agree with their views or not, should be attacked for expressing their God given (and Constitution protected) rights of free speech and assembly, and their right to participate in our political process. And no police officer, who has sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution, should obey any order to not protect the rights of people to peaceably assemble and express their views, and should refuse any order to stand by and do nothing as violent, criminal thugs assault Americans who are simply exercising their rights. It is a disgrace to have the police obey such orders, and an act of treason for the politicians to give such orders.
If officers are so outnumbered that they are concerned for their own safety, that is one thing, but to not intervene because some oath breaking, partisan scumbag politician orders them to stand down, so the politician’s thuggish foot-soldiers have a free hand to terrorize and assault other Americans, is inexcusable. Whatever happened to “Protect and Serve”? The fundamental justification for having police, or having government at all, is to protect people against predatory violence. These violent communist and La Raza racist thugs are the true “Brownshirts” of modern America, attempting to use violence and intimidation to shut down free speech and assembly.
If the police will not protect Americans from violent assault meant to punish them for their political views, and meant to silence them by force, then Americans will have to protect themselves, and each other, from such violence.
I call on all patriotic Americans to step up and protect the weak, the elderly, the vulnerable among them against these thugs, wherever they strike. Veterans, you have a particular obligation and duty, under your oath, to step up and protect your fellow Americans by stepping in between them and these thugs. In the absence of police protection, Veterans need to step in the gap and form up five to eight man security teams who can serve as escorts and rescue people from being beaten.
As anyone versed in defensive tactics or combatives will tell you, whenever anyone is sucker punched there is a very real and serious risk that they will fall and then hit their head on the concrete, on a parking block, on a curb, on a parked car, etc and that secondary impact can, and does, result in death. A person can also be stomped and kicked to death by a mob in short order. These are deadly threat mob assaults and must be treated as such.
Anyone attending any event targeted by these radical leftist extremists needs to realize they are in a tactical situation that requires them to prepare for the worst and to take steps to protect themselves. They should go in groups of four or more, and among them needs to be people who are fit enough, and trained enough, to hold their own in a melee. If you are a fit, strong veteran, you have a duty to be the “sheepdog” and walk with those who are less able to defend themselves. Go in groups, and be ready to defend yourselves and others.
Any Oath Keeper who goes out and protects people who are under such threat of assault is doing the right thing. And we need to be willing to do that for ANY American under such threat, even if we disagree with their political views (for example, even if you disagree with Democrats who will be attending the DNC, or any other Democrat gathering, you should be willing to protect them if they are assaulted by violent radicals, and the same for Republicans attending the RNC). This org is non-partisan for a very good reason. We must stand for the rights of all Americans, at all times, in all places.
When we stepped up in Ferguson, MO and protected Natalie, of Natalie’s Cakes and More (who happens to be a black woman), and her neighbors, we didn’t ask them what political party they belonged to, or what their politics were. It didn’t matter. We protected them because it was the right thing to do, and because no American should be assaulted, murdered by arsonists, or raped, robbed, or looted. Same here.
I will be holding an urgent Oath Keepers BOD and leadership call tomorrow night to discuss this situation and how we can help. But all patriots, regardless of what group they are in, need to step up and protect people against such violence and attempts to use force to chill their speech.
These are intolerable acts of thuggery that must be stopped.
For the Republic,
Stewart Rhodes
PS – the San Jose Police Department has issued a statement, defending their inaction, saying:
While several physical assaults did occur, the police personnel on scene had the difficult task of weighing the need to immediately apprehend the suspect(s) against the possibility that police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further insight the crowd and produce more violent behavior.
What a load of bull. I just got off the phone with veteran police officers and tactical trainers Greg McWhirter (former Indianapolis cop and current Montana corrections) and John Karriman (Missouri Police Academy Defensive Tactics instructor) and both of them stated that standing down is exactly opposite of what the San Jose police should have done, and only emboldened the thugs, producing more violent behavior, since the thugs could clearly see that the police would do nothing to stop them. The right answer was to drop a hammer on the first thugs to commit assault, including using less than lethal rubber baton shotgun rounds if needed (thugs hate and fear shotguns) and pepper balls. Make an example of a few, and the rest tend to back off (just like any gaggle of bullies). The excuse given by the department is akin to a cowardly husband saying “don’t resist Martha, or it will make them angry, just let them have their way” which usually results in rape and murder of both of them. It gives the thugs a green light and the thrill of doing as they wish right in front of the police. What’s next? Will “politically correct” cops let someone be beaten to death in front of them out of fear of inciting the crowd to more violent behavior? Given how fast someone can be beaten to death by a mob, that nobody was killed here was just blind luck, and certainly not because of anything the San Jose Police Department did.