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Dec. 7, 2015

It's the American people who are guilty of not reading, able to comprehend, and enforcing It themselves. If the American people had kept Their end of the contract, and dutifully disbanded the US Government directly after The Federalist Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, and every other time such egregious violations of US Constitutional Law occurred, the people would have learned that after so many violations and subsequent disbandment(s), that governments aren't worth having, and can never be trusted no matter how much They're watched, and the number one reason why that is, is because a large portion of the population are natural liars, cheats, and thieves who generally find more affinity in government jobs than the private sector, who see nothing wrong with violating any US Constitutional Amendment, providing They're sufficiently enriched by taking part.

One of the failings of the US Constitution was the assumption going in that there would be enough honorable people around to make sure that when any one Amendment was violated by government, that the people, or public as it were, would take the necessary steps to properly respond to such violations either by disbanding It entirely, or by firing every government official who at the time said nothing, thus complicit by There silence.

Good intentions aside, the original 13 amendments to the US Constitution were well written, and more than adequate in keeping the government at bay forever, but as more and more amendments were added that were in direct conflict with the original 13,  the government was eventually able to completely break free from its chains, and put into place an entirely new version of Itself called Demonocracy, which was eventually replaced back in the 1930's by a Communist Dictatorship during the Roosevelt Administration  ---RR
