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Arthur Topham

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Nov. 9, 2015














The Golden Rule


Norman Rockwell

Text by Arthur Topham

Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 Justice Butler will charge the jury beginning at 10:00 a.m. and then they will go out to determine my fate. It’s been a long two weeks plus a day attending Supreme Court daily. It’s also been a long eight and half years of continual legal battles with those who would rather silence their critics with unjust legislation than openly discuss the issues that concern so many people around the world.

The support throughout these years has grown to amazing proportions as more and more individuals are coming to the realization that the world is neither a safe or a healthy or a just place in which to live and raise a family and simply get along and enjoy their lives.

The outcome of tomorrow’s decision by the 12 member jury will have repercussions around the planet. For Canadians it will be either a turning point in terms of increased justice and the freedom of the people to express their minds or else an indication that the powers now controlling our sources of information and our judicial system are still too powerful to be challenged.

My belief at this point is that we must never give up the struggle for equality before the law nor should we give in to man-made legislation that tries to limit our fundamental and God-given right to freedom of speech no matter what decision is made tomorrow. If we win it will be the beginning of a new chapter on the long road ahead, one that ultimately will see our rights and freedoms returned to us.

I would therefore ask my supporters and everyone who believes in the right to express themselves that they send out good thoughts to those 12 men and women tomorrow and that those who believe in the power of prayer pray that the Heavenly Father will guide their hearts and minds in the direction of freedom rather than down the path to greater restrictions and laws which will chain and bow us like slaves to the present Orwellian mind-set that we see around us.

That simple golden rule which Norman Rockwell embodied in his 1961 painting will only come into existence if we have the freedom to speak our hearts and minds and the freedom to worship in whatever manner touches our soul and harms no one.

Our thanks and gratitude go out to all of you who have worked or supported me in this long battle. Tomorrow we will see the results of this labour of love. Let us pray that it will signal a new beginning.

God bless us all.

Arthur Topham


The Radical Press

Canada’s Radical News Network

“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″