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J. D. Heyes

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Nov. 4, 2014

(NaturalNews) Unbeknownst to most Americans, the U.S. State Department is required by international treaty and by U.S. statute to submit an annual report to Congress detailing the human rights records of all countries that belong to the United Nations, as well as any country receiving U.S. assistance.


In the 2014 submission to the Legislative branch, Secretary of State John Kerry wrote in the report's preface, in part:


The fundamental struggle for dignity has been a driving force in human history worldwide, and what drives us toward it is a set of universal values and aspirations.


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are ideals that cannot be contained by national boundaries or ocean shores.


That is why it is especially troubling that so many people in so many places face grotesque restrictions on their freedoms and rights from their own government...


In parts of the Middle East and Africa, violent extremists have made it clear that not only do they have zero regard for human rights; they have zero regard for human life, period.


For a number of reasons, the current administration's emphasis on "human rights" in other countries rings so hollow and hypocritical, it cannot be taken seriously. In fact, no doubt more than a few leaders and governments around the world probably find it quite insulting.


Here are just a few of the reasons why America has no standing to demand other countries live up to higher human rights standards:


-- Obama administration silence over sale of aborted baby body parts: In one of the earliest undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, as reported by LifeSite News, Mary Gatter, the Medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley in Calfiornia, "discusses selling aborted baby body parts with undercover investigators posing as officials with a biotech company that acts as a middleman to sell aborted baby body parts to universities and other places that conduct such research."


Gatter, a senior official within PP and president of Medical Directors' Council, the organization's central committee of all Planned Parenthood affiliate medical directors, is seen and heard haggling over the price of the aborted body parts, telling the biotech company posers that prices for hearts, livers and heads are negotiable.


-- Medical kidnapping: In state after state, Child Protective Services officials are empowered to essentially steal children away from parents in order to enforce the mainstream medical community's wishes. This goes back more than a decade, as we reported in 2006.


-- Forcing children to endure vaccines: States like California have recently considered or adopted mandatory vaccination for all school-age children, denying them a public school education their parents help pay for if they don't comply. This, despite rising instances of vaccine violence and the government's destruction of evidence linking vaccines and higher rates of autism in African-Americans.


-- Mass drugging of children and veterans with dangerous psychotropic drugs pushed by Big Pharma: A problem more than a generation in the making, today U.S. and Veterans Administration physicians and psychologists would rather "treat" behavioral and emotional problems with mind-and-mood-altering psychotropic drugs that in turn lead to violent outbursts such as mass shootings and suicides.


-- Mass surveillance: One of the harbingers of authoritarianism and disdain for human rights is unauthorized government surveillance of its citizens – something that is not supposed to happen in America, thanks to the Fourth Amendment's privacy protections and the Fifth Amendment's due process requirements. U.S. government spying on its citizens has even been deemed a major human rights violation by the United Nations.


-- Setting the wrong kind of records: In a recently published interview, Canadian Prof. John McMurtry, who has backpacked the world over, said the U.S. holds the record for illegal killings of unarmed civilians, extrajudicial detention and torturing of prisoners.


With these and other abuses and outrages abounding, the United States of today is in no position to lecture other countries about their "human rights record."


Read about the uptick in shootings in America that stems from people crazed by psych drugs at

