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Feb. 1, 2015

The US Constitution requires of the reader a level of literacy, acumen, and comprehension that is far and away beyond the ability of most Americans to cognize before falling asleep after reading the first amendment. "Anything in today's America, that requires effort to read, to comprehend, or to retain, can only be expected to occur under the threat of extreme consequences, or a hefty reward".  In short, the average American is more interested and better suited for reading a restaurant menu, than the US Constitution.


"The original US Constitution never was, or has been followed by any branch of the US Government". The abrogation, and nullification of the 1st amendment, started with the Sedition Act of 1798, (the equivalent of today's Patriot Act),  with practically every other act, public law, and unlawful executive order nullifying the other original 12 amendments. "Nothing of the original US Constitution ever mattered to Congress, The Executive, or Judicial Branches of the US Government as defined in the US Constitution".


Oddly enough the most egregious violations of the US Constitution have not come so much by all the countless public laws, acts, and amendments, but through the passage of complex trade agreements that override the US Constitution in favor of International Treaty Laws written by very clever jew lawyers, and scribes, sometimes decades in advance of being passed by a traitorous Congress.