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Posted by Alcibioades Bilzerian

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FW:  Sept. 11, 2014

The noble experiment of individual liberty that was once the United States of America is now dead. Almost every principle the Founding Fathers enshrined in the Constitution has been turned on its head. Republic turned into manipulated democracy. Capitalism turned into a socialist behemoth with almost 50% of the population on some form of federal assistance. A limited federal government turned into a nanny state that regulates almost every type of behavior imaginable. Nearly autonomous states became subsidiaries of an all-powerful federal government. Personal freedom gave way to safety, security, and surveillance.

Even as the “Land of the Free” became the largest incarcerator this planet has ever seen, suspicion of government turned into trust in government. A free media for citizens became a corporate media for the elite, and the people’s faith in government grew more. Civil servants become entitled autocrats, and yet citizens once armed to defend themselves against government tyranny turned into citizens armed for hunting and sport shooting. Fiscal responsibility became fiscal dishonesty. A disdain for debt turned into a desire to be laden by it. Money went from an instrument of commerce to a political tool used to oppress the people, but yet the people’s faith in fiat currency became absolute. A country of immigrants became a country of xenophobes. Isolationism became empire, but yet moral authority became moral superiority. Separation of powers turned into the combination of powers. Private education to liberate the mind became public education to control and condition the mind. A government for the people turned into a government ruled by corporations and bankers. Despite all of these changes, respect for the Constitution turned into disdain for an “outdated” document made obsolete by technology.

Almost no principle of the original Constitution is adhered to today. Our Bill of Rights has been dismantled by corrupt legislators and Supreme Court justices who received their appointments due to track-records of pro-government rulings. Unambiguous laws which protected liberties have been illogically and disingenuously reinterpreted to offer no protection at all. Laws that used to protect freedom are now used to justify infringements on our liberty. Almost nothing of the Founding Father’s intent remains. It’s no wonder record numbers of Americans are leaving the “land of the free” to seek greater freedom elsewhere. Unfortunately, the ones who remain cheer the destruction of their republic. The fading American empire is now ruled by a propagandized majority who are too ignorant to grasp the incredible gift of freedom and self-reliance the Founding Fathers gave them. They only want to know when they will receive their next government handout. This new breed of lazy, narcissistic American is too preoccupied with checking his latest Facebook status to demonstrate the responsibility, self-reliance, and risk that freedom implies. So Americans will continue to blindly follow their favorite populist politicians over the proverbial cliff, because its easier