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LewIs V. Hughes

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March 4, 2014

Everyone living in Connecticut should be asking their

State Government and Law Enforcement Officers the

following questions:


  1. Do you recognize and acknowledge the rights granted to the People of Connecticut under Article First, Section 15 of the CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT,specifically: “Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state”?
  2. Can you show me when and how Article First, Section 15 of the CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUTwas set aside?
  3. Can you show me where in the CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUTthe People of Connecticut granted the STATE OF CONNECTICUT the authority or power to require that a right be registered?
  4. Can you show me where in the CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUTthe People of Connecticut granted the STATE OF CONNECTICUT the authority or power to require that property held under a right be registered?
  5. Can you show me when and where the Congress of the UNITED STATES enacted a Law declaring anyone who claims rights under the Constitution of their Sovereign State are deemed to be domestic terrorists?


Now, I assert that the public officers of the STATE OF CONNECTICUT cannot or will not answer these questions, and as a result become personnally liable to the People of Connecticut for any actions that they might take.  It then becomes the duty and responsibility of the People of Connecticut to hold them accountable to the fullest extent of the Law.