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Dave Hodges: ‘We Are in Phase One Martial Law’

Shepard Ambellas

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Nov. 4, 2013


America has been under Marshal Rule since The Civil War, which effectively put an end to The Republic by replacing it with a Democracy . Further tyrannical and treasonous acts passed by Congress, such as "Trading With The Enemy", and "First War Powers Act and The Office Of Censorship",  were blatant declarations of who the US Government was really at war with.

When viewed from before and after the Civil War, we find two distinctively different countries with no similarities whatsoever, other than in name. When the Republic fell, so did America, "which soon became infested with Jew Marxist whose day had finally come",  all made possible by the traitorous President, Abraham Lincolnstein.

Martial Law Definition:

Martial Rule Definition:


Welcome to “phase one” martial law in America, at least that’s what Dave Hodges, host of the Common Sense Show said in a recent interview with Kate Zickel on The Voice of Russia – American Edition.

NEW YORK - (Photo by Mark Mainz/Getty Images)

NEW YORK – (Photo by Mark Mainz/Getty Images)


(INTELLIHUB) — Dave Hodges, the host of the Common Sense Show stated during an interview that he believes “that Boston (refering to the Boston Marathon Bombing) was a dry run for martial law procedures”, continuing on to say how we are already in “phase one martial law”. Even demonstrating to the audience that “strip malls” and sports stadiums will be transformed into FEMA camps during times of unrest.

Hodges also pointed out that there are “general” agreements between private property owners and the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS). An excerpt from the interview reads, “we don’t have to go any further than just what DHS has been doing in terms of weaponizing over the past 12 months. They have acquired 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition, 2700 armored personnel carriers. Now, this is a domestic police force. Why would they need to arm to this level? They are not going to be sent overseas to fight against some terrorist organization. You could only reasonably conclude that this weaponizing of DHS is to subdue the American public. And I believe that we are on a precipice of having a cataclysmic event which is going to lead to martial law. And that event is financial. The $17 trillion debt that we are focused on is a smokescreen. We have an unfunded liabilities debt of $238 trillion which includes social security, Medicare and so forth. And then, the bankers have managed to get the governments of the modern world to assume the derivatives debt which is $1 quadrillion on the low estimate side. That’s 16 times the GDP of the planet. We can’t sustain that debt, we can’t pay that debt. That will eventually lead to a financial collapse and I believe that will be the trigger event for the rule out of martial law that the Government is preparing for.”[1]

Hodges continued to talk about how we are now seeing an enemies list alluding to the fact that martial law may come sooner than later. 

“What I’ve been told, and one of my sources is now deceased, but he is a former member of the NSA and began to speak out before his death. He appeared on many radio programs, along with some other sources I have, saying that part of the reason that we have this massive NSA spying grip, that Ed Snowden is currently revealing in fragmented press releases, is to basically create an enemies’ list.

And the proof of that, you don’t even have to get inside the NSA to see it. We see it outwardly. The DHS created something called the MIAC report and in it, it listed domestic terrorist groups – people that support the Second Amendment, the former Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, constitutionalists. And now, the latest trend is – they have stuck what they call “Bible-believing Christians” at a briefing in April earlier this year in Colorado DHS gave a law enforcement briefing in which they said “Bible-believing Christians are new domestic terror threat in the US”.

So, the manifestation of the NSA spying is the creation of these threat groups. And I believe that going to martial law these people will be secondary citizens, be subject to full stripping of their civil liberties, if not mass detentions.”[1]

Hodges also went on to rant about the TSA.



[1] Extremist divines martial law in the US -