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The US Bill of Rights – Those in Support and Those in Opposition

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Aug. 5, 2013

Since the 2008 economic collapse, while one small portion of our population has thrived and made record profits, the vast majority of we American people have been experiencing a constant slide into deprivation and poverty.  And what a job the mainstream propaganda machine has done in twisting the reality to make our hardships seem to be shared by the elite, as sure as their prosperity is being shared by the rest of us.

At what point do we, the American nationals, completely cut ties with what has become an illegitimate government?  Because it will take a clean break to facilitate a restitution of the Republic.  In short, we must identify and declare ourselves, while also identifying and declaring our enemies as such.   

As long as we allow ourselves to be lulled into discussion, nothing will change.  As all discussion, when broken down into its simplest components, amounts to wanton lies from our enemies being accepted as real possibilities by the naive, allowing the continuance of the status quo which is a degradation of our freedom down into the depths of slavery.

The elitist criminals are not going to stop the elitist criminals and those that serve them do so of a free will with the intent to preserve their own lives via the sacrifice of ours, completely blind to the reality of divide and conquer with the absolute destruction of all at the roots of the agenda.

To those who preach compromise, may you be the first to be compromised into a pit via a .40 cal hollow point to the back of your head.

What was the government for the united States for the Americas has been successfully subverted by the international socialists.  They have revealed themselves and their intent as a part of their pipe dream, wherein all their years of infiltration and internal disruption causes our people to simply acquiesce out of some unrealistic perceived need to have them dictate our lives.

The dividing line is no longer obscure in the smallest degree.  You either support the communists and their agenda, or you are an American who is about to lose everything to it.  There is no middle ground and those pretending there is and to be walking upon it, are not but the deepest cover shills who have been put in place to temper the absolutism with notions of alternatives.

This fight is straight up and when it is finished, all that do not face it as such are going to be brought to account.  In short and in the strongest of terms, you are either with us (the American nationals of the American race asserting our Bill of Rights as absolute) or you are agin us and with our enemy (intent upon infringements to our Bill of Rights in one degree or another).

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.