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The Constitution Does Not Grant Rights!

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Aug. 13, 2012
  The constitution granted the government the power to administrate and carry on Corporate functions. Under the Common Law, inherent Rights cannot devolve to a “body politic” through a corporation. Rights only devolve to human beings (as a body politic) through and by way of a “Trust”. Under Constitutional law in order to determine the meaning of a written instrument a court must look to the title. In our case it is the Preamble. The Preamble clearly shows a Freehold/ feesimple absolute in it. (Pursuant to the Laws of Real Property that have been in existence since day one.) Freeholds/feesimples were instruments of Trust not corporate. Since it states “our posterity” it cannot be speaking of a corporate entity as posterity only can mean a human being by birth. The posterity or heirs cannot be defined as it would invalidate the meaning of a freehold/feesimple absolute. When the 14th Amendment was invoked in 1868 it was still valid under the laws of Real property. (whether or not it was legally ratified or not) it established a trust of a different nature. (no one can defeat it because the subject has never been brought up). It was still a Freehold but with the ability to be changed and lessened under the laws of Real Property. This is because it defines the heirs as those subject to the jurisdiction of the congress. Now you may say, how can this be. Go back to the fact that Rights cannot devolve to a body politic by way of corporation, but the freehold in the 14th Amendment can be lessened piece by piece because its workings are subject to the Jurisdiction of the congress. After time, it no longer is a Freehold but an estate of Tenancy. All of America has been reduced to this Tenancy and no one can understand what has happened to the Rights they were told they had. Since early on in the 1900s people were told they were receiving “Equality” but never told equal to what. The 14th Amendment Freehold was supposed to be “Equal” to the Preamble Freehold and so it was for approximately 30-40 years. People forgot the civil war, they forgot the 11 southern states that were denied their equal footing and thrown out of the legislature. The United states of America was overthrown in 1868 and a new form of government put in its place. No one ever noticed because they had forgotten that the founding fathers fought for INHERENT RIGHTS, not taxation without representation.
    The government states that the Constitution is a grant of power and that is correct, but to perform corporate functions, which is the Office of Profit, everyone misses the Key words in the document like "office of Trust" along with that office of profit. No one seems to see it, as if it is invisible and has no meaning, but IT is the creator. They also miss the words about the jury trial and words of "common law". No one invokes the common law because the laws established under the 14th amendment are not common law, but they cannot be in conflict with it, and they aren't. People do not know who they are and where they came from, why they are here, and where their Rights come from. The Amendments are a restatement of rights but under the 14th amendment they are ONLY a codicil that changes the intentions of the founding fathers. Thus Civil Rights.
    To invoke the common law one must ask the administrators which office they represent (office of trust or office of profit), inform them they are trustees of the trust you are a beneficiary/legatee/heir of, tell them where the Trust resides, inform them that Rights do not devolve through an office of profit, that they would be in breach of trust if they continue to follow their proceedings as is, and that as an Heir you are invoking the Common Law of England as it stands in this country.
    Under Constitutional Law a court — ANY court, MUST look toward the Trust first and make determinations from that point, not statutory law.