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From Dick Eastman

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Feb. 28, 2012



--Declaration: Being discovered in the act treason seeking overthrow constitution and and abrogation of the rights of the American people the Obama administration and all candidates holding office under the aegis of the Democratic and Republican Party are hereby declared to any and all citizens of the various states of the United States to be without authority and all debt to co-conspirator banks are null and void.  This Declaration does not affect the sovereign authority vested in the fifty states united under the compact known as the Constituion of the United States of America.

--A conspiracy having been discovered and and the perpetrators rightly severed and removed from authority and all claims to Constitutional recognition - it devolves upon the fifty States of the compact known as the United States Constitution to reconstitute the confederated government to replace the conspirators, their executive orders and all laws legislated by and for the conspiracy.

-- In the meantime, it being necessary to maintain the means of sustaining life and the peace and livlihood of the people of the United State the following is hereby ordered on behalf of the people and the states -- measures to be ratified immediately by each state of the union to sustain these measures as necessary to our security and survival and wholly legal and proper by the authority of the representatives of the people who legislate and administer  powers conferred and continuing in the land of each state and in their powers to convene conventions for the union of a confederation under a limited federal government as intended by the framers of those documents styled the  Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of the United States.  The Constitution having been sabotaged in the legislature by a conspiracy headed by foreign powers -- both foreign governments and foreign private interests and citizens guilty of conspiracy in the commission of high treason.

1. That all banks and lending institutions and savings institutions and additional holding checkable deposits as well as the private bank known as the Federal Reserve are hereby nationalized under the emergency power of the people in time of discovered high treason that leaves empty and void of power all who have been holding administrative positions within the agencies of the government.

The people, by adoption of this document, to be effective immediately and to be sustained by the approval of the various states at their earliest convenience, after which 2/3rds of the states have ratified this document, shall then be in a position to modify these provisional rules even as a new confederated government under a restored Constitution, purged what mischeif a states-appointed Commission of Reconstitution deems necessary, including elements of the 14th Amendment, and rewriting of the compact to exclude "interpreted law" that is deemed to have been acts of sabotage by a Judicial Branch of government also participating in the great conspiracy and in the service of international organized crime.

2.  The checking account deposits of the land, by necessity of this emergency, will be frozen at present levels and all "Federal Reserve Note" dollars in circulation are to remain in circulation, which is to say that loans are not to be paid off, so that checkbook money becomes a permanent money supply sustained by the nationalized lending institutions.  The check clearing facilities of the Now Nationalized Federal Reserve - and under the control of this present document -- are to remain open, so that demand deposits will remain transferable and will continue as the official money of the land, still denominated in dollars and still used for the purchasing of goods and services, for the hiring of people and of the means of producing said goods and services both by the citizens of the states and by the state governments.

3.  All land rent and debt obligations are suspended in this emergency.  Those landords and persons living on rental income may apply to their state government for an emergency payment of state-originated dollars -- for the states can issue money, denominated as dollars, that are backed by their acceptance by each state in payment of its dues, that is, in payment of the taxes which that state legally imposes through its normal legilsative proceeses.

4. State governments and, at the discretion of state governments, are hereby authorized by this document -- which derives its authority from the necessity of the survival of the people and the survival of the 50 states and their association in a federal compact to be reconstituted under loyal citizens sworn to uphold and upholding in fact the people and the laws of the several states and their soon to be reconstituted national compact -- essentially the constitutional offices repopulated with non-traitors who are sworn to uphold the constitution in the light of the founding fathers and of those who have amended it for the good of the people rather than for the conspiracy which has been discovered and the mischief of which is now, by this document,  being extirpated.

5.  United States military forces around the world are hereby ordered to return home immediately, leaving all equipment behind - turning them over to whatever local authorities are nearest at hand, in exchange for safe passage to exiting points from those countries.  The soldiers upon returning home will be assigned to the national guard of the state where they enlisted or of their current residence.

6.  The private institution styled the United States Internal Revenue Service is hereby nationalized and, by this document and the people of the fifty states who back it until the states authorize its replacement. Furthermore the internal revenue service will suspend all taxation, its obligation to fund the United States government and to pay the repudiated national debt being permanently taken away from this institution.  The nationalized internal revenue service will be modified so that its "refund checks" become a national social credit currency that is awarded to every citizen who has paid taxes and their dependents.  Furthermore those who have been too poor to pay taxes may now file with the institution, now to be renamed the National Household Credit Dividend Office, so that this institution may begin issuing by fiat money under the authority of this document, in the form of checks to citzens of each household, mailed out or electronically deposited in the checking account banks just as tax refund checks have been mailed in the past.  These new dollars issuing from the National Household Credit Dividend Office will be the only source of new dollars that will be available to the nation under the provisional national authority instituted by this document as sustained by the acceptance of the people and later by the various states of the reconstituting union, styled the United States of America.

7. Foreign creditors of the United States that are governments or companies that have sold merchandise or raw materials to the United States, may be paid through sale of the assets of all American corporations owned abroad - in payment of our debt outstanding to creditor nations according to justice.  No payment in compensation of repudiation will be made to any bank or international financier or consortium of financiers, as these are deemed principals and accessories of the conspiracy against the United States, all of their financial actions thus becoming null and void under the principle that fraud vitiates all contracts.

8.  The United States does not recongize any international court or tribunal as all of these are but instruments of the exposed and proven international conspiracy.  Nevertheless this document leaves open the possibility of balanced trade with other nations to be paid for exclusively  by our exports and the sale of our assets abroad.  

9.  American dollars and dollar denominated deposits and dollar denominated instruments no located outside the United States, including dollars in Cayman Island bank or Swiss bank accounts -- will not be allowed to enter the United States to be spent here, to be invested here or to earn interest here.  Expatriated dollars, as they shall henceforth be called, will no longer be honored in the United States, as these amount to several times the number of dollars circulating within the domestic economy and are a source of instability and asset theft -- obtained by conspiracy and fraud.  These dollars, no longer being American money, may take on a new identity and a new name as the holders of these currencies see fit.  They will be an international currency only, an international currency that is not accepted as legal tender  in the United States of America -- treated henceforth as counterfeit money.  American citizens may not trade in this international currency.

10.  The American dollar, as hereby consituted, as existing currenly in checking accounts that are not reduced by "loan repayment", as supplemented by the state's dollars which are spent into existence by states and taken back in state taxes, and by the Household Dividend dollars sent to households by the NHCDO (formerly the IRS) is a permanent currency, which will leave the country in the purchase of foreign goods only to return when foreigners send them back to us to purchase our goods.  An agency is required to track bona fide US  dollars planned to be exchanged for foreign moneys to buy imports and and allowing Americans to purchase foreign articles with foreign currencies obtained through the currency exchanges by our exports.  This process will be regulated by the varius states at our ports (air, land and sea) until the national government is reconstituted and can take over this function if the states desire it.  NO LONGER WILL INTERNATIONAL MERCHANT BANKERS REGULATE THIS PROCESS.  As soon as possible the states will set up a new Department of Commerce to ensure an abundant foreign trade with currency exchanges that result in balanced trade with neither a trade deficit nor a trade surplus.  Nations that will no trade by these rules will not enjoy commerce with the United States.

11.  In this emergency, states incorporated in one state will be recognized by the other states only at their option -- that is, states may nationalized or "draft" and operate any corporation whose charter they choose not to recognize.  Corporations, during the period in which this document constitutes the provisional unity of the fifty states into one nation until a constitution not subverted by infiltration in its offices by a criminal conspiracy as such is defined by the Constitution.  [Remember, this document and its force is made necessary because the Constitution has failed to stipulate measures to be taken when all offices designated as the line of succession have been captured by a criminal conspiracy in the service of foreign powers and aimed at the destruction of the people of the United States and their constitution and rights -- in violation of their oaths and in acts of high crimes and active treason.   The states may draft corporations and pay employees in state scrip (the dollars issued by states that are accepted in dues by the states for property taxes, sales taxes and other state taxes, fees and levys etc.)

12.  This document does not interfere in any way with the sovereign powers of the individual states.  It merely sets them free to operate without a Federal Government until a consititutional federal government can be consituted.

13.  It is urged by the author of this provisional document that the convention called by the states to reconsitute the union will follow the original pattern layed down by the Founding Fathers, that a president will be chosen by a college of electors chosen by the individual states according in numbers for each state according to the population of that state -- and not by election as is done now under the so-called party-system which was meant to thwart the "checks and balances" devoloped by the original framers of the consititution under the advice of James Madison.  Also, it is urged by the author of this document, that the original means of choosing US Senators be reverted to, that state legislatures by their own chosen methods will select each US senator for the US Senate.  Only the representatives of the House of Representative and the electors of the President and Vice President should be chosen by direct vote of the people. However, if the people and the states determine that the Supreme Court and Federal Judges also be elected, the Supreme Court Justices by national election and the other Federal Judges by the citizens of their respective districts, machinery for conducting such elections can readily be put in operation.

14.  During the time that this document is in force, that is, up to the time that the states provide the people with reconsituted government under a states ratified Constitution and fill that government with duly elected and appointed officers --  the states shall have power on their own to regulate all banks and airports and international trade by common agreement among themsleves.  All regulation of trade and all enforcement of law, including labor laws, environment and safty laws, anti-trust laws, will not be the province of those individual states, their legislatures and state institutions to do as they see fit, there being no operating federal government to interfere or to assist them at this time.  No former federal regulation that is deemed by a state to be against the interests of that state and its people need by recognized or obeyed by that state.

15. All internaitonal treaties or international agreements made by any president or official of the united states need be honored by the any state until the Federal Government is reconsitituted.  Foreign nations and international financial institutions and international speculators are warned not to interfere with the states as they proceed to reconstitute the United States confederation under restored constitutional authority free of foreign-directed conspiracy and other organized crime.

16.  It is the sacred duty of all Americans and all friends of freedom around the world to sustain this document as a salutary and sure means of restoring the republic envisioned by Frankin, Jefferson, Madison and Paine and by all who grasp the value of human freedom under equal justice and limited government that protects the people in their pursuit of happiness and of a prosperous and ever-improving society dedicated to the brotherhood of man, the welfare of all, and the fullest realization of the unique potential of each individual that human cooperation can provide.

Written for All Americans and submitted to them on this date, the 28th of February in the year 2012.

The author has signed this in his heart, and urges all his country men to do the same.   There is no more to come from this source.  This document is all we need until proper constitutional government is duly restored.

Effective immediatly.

God bless America.  God bless Mankind.

Anything worth doing is worth doing badly -- rather than us all going to our graves with the thing undone.