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New Pledge of Allegiance

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Dec. 17, 2011

For your consideration and thought:
WHEREAS, the Supreme Court has ruled that the people of the United States "are joint tenants in the sovereignty” of the land, Americans do NOT owe allegiance to anyone or any government, but, instead, to the idea of liberty and the unalienable rights granted to them by their Creator, and
WHEREAS, the current Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is not consistent with our heritage as a free people, and
WHEREAS, we now know that the current Pledge of Allegiance of the United States was written by a known active socialist intent on undermining the basic principles upon which the federal government was formed, and
WHEREAS, all of us were indoctrinated in our youth, and such indoctrination continues today, that, to be patriotic Americans, we should willingly comply with the recitation of our allegiance to a nation which was not created by our Founders, and
WHEREAS, you claim to support the advancement of individual freedom, free markets, and limited government,
THEREFORE, I hereby appeal to you to promote the New Pledge of Allegiance attached and do what you can to get all Americans to recognize it as the only pledge of allegiance that represents their true political heritage and that’s consistent with the concept of a free people.
If the New Pledge of Allegiance were memorized and repeated by our children daily, instead of the socialistic Pledge of Allegiance of the United States, they would grow up with a very different view of government from that which they are indoctrinated today. The concept of liberty would undoubtedly be more prevalent in America than it is today.
Thank you for your serious consideration of this proposal.
Mike Higgins
Awake and Aware Hawai`i
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