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In Union, with the Republic for united States of America We Welcome you!

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National Union - Mission Statement

We the People terminate the tyranny of financial slavery 

and unlawful presentment that binds us;  

And bestows the favors of Republic Freedom by way of

 lawful means and peaceable assembly, 

for all men and women under Almighty God.

You have just become free of the Weight of the Corporate (De Facto) oppressive government called the "UNITED STATES!"

Here in the True Republic we have freedom; Republic for Nevada is a government, of, by, and for, the People. 

We are one of the 50 Free Republics Re-inhabited under our Organic Constitution for the united States of America! 

You may not be aware that the current Federal Government of the UNITED STATES is a Corporation, estabished after the Civil War, in 1871.  Congress created, "The Corporation" and Sub-Corporations, THE STATES, to change the American People, from a Free People in control of their destiny, to a People owned by a Corporation, as property, under the 14th Amendment.Read the excerpt taken from


§ 3002. Definitions

As used in this chapter:

(14) “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.(15) “United States” means--(A) a Federal corporation;(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

What is a Corporation?

corporation is a legal entity that is created under the laws of a State designed to establish the entity 

as a separate legal entity having its own privileges and liabilities distinct from those of its members. [1]

People of our Republic for Nevada, are in Peace, and intend NO HARM to anyone, in anyway! 

We are not taking over the Corporation, we are not plotting against anyone, We are the People of the American Republic who have decided, we no longer want to be owned by a Corporation. We want our Freedom back!

Our power to create comes from living beings, created by a loving Creator, 

not from a piece of paper controlled by unscrupulous men who want to enslave humanity!

Our ONLY lawful governance is Republic for Nevada, in union with, Republic for united States of America!

We provide this Website, for you, as an introduction to the concept of a Free American Republic; 

"We the People," have lawfully reformed, re-inhabited, from the Original Government lost in 1861.  With the secession, of the Confederate States of America, (The South) ceded from the Original American Union, our guaranteed 

American Freedoms, granted by God, were taken from us, hidden by "The Corporation.

"Abraham Lincoln was killed because he intended to restore the American Republic.  

The Bankers didn't want that; they wanted their New Corporate UNITED STATES to control the people. 

They got it and the rest is history! 

The Free People of the Republic for Nevada would like to invite you, to find out more; Learn how you can contribute to the lawful restoration, of the American Republic. 

We are assembled together with a common purpose; to use the Original Organic Constitution, for the united States of America, and our Local common law Constitution to bring back, the Great America our Forefathers once knew.