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Nullify Now event coming to L.A. on May 28th

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(NaturalNews) -- An organization called the Tenth Amendment Center is planning a "Nullify Now" event in Los Angeles May 28, a spokesman for the group said.


Michael Boldin, in a YouTube video announcing the event, said it is designed to raise awareness of the process of nullification and how it can be utilized to roll back invasive federal powers and unconstitutional expansions of power.


"Thomas Jefferson gave us a recommendation," Boldin says in the video. "Whenever the federal government violates the rules given to it, whenever it assumes un-delegated powers...a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy."


The Los Angeles event, which is being held at the 30th floor penthouse of the AT&T Center, is part of a series of similar venues. According to the event website, a rally was held in Austin, Texas last month and more are planned elsewhere in California, Florida, Nevada and Wisconsin, among other states.


At the L.A. event, Boldin said, "we're going to be talking about this principle, where it comes from constitutionally, and how its being played out across the country right now."


He says eight states have already passed nullification legislation that deals with the Obama administration's health care law, the Transportation Security administration's screening procedures, firearms, use of the National Guard, and other issues.


Scheduled to appear in Los Angeles is Thomas E. Woods, Jr., author of the book, "Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century, and other books including The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History.


The event will also feature the music of Jordan Page, whose liberty-minded music seeks "to mobilize a new generation to stand up for their country and the rights of the individual," the website said.

May 14, 201