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The Shadow of Fear if the Color of Truth - Article V Convention

John Kaminski

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Best wishes,

John Kaminski

On 2/17/11, John De Herrera <> wrote:


 However one wants to articulate the deception humanity currently finds itself trapped under, I trust you'd like to know how we can get out of it.

 If you changed the way the USA operates today, it would change everything The following links  are in regards to the objective solution--the Article V

 Convention. By convoking and convening a convention today it wrenches open the political discourse from Politics as Usual. In terms of political science, all reformations the world over since history began have always come down to a tipping-point majority joined in a common cause, and just over the past year more interest in the idea is gaining. I encourage you to review the following information. If you have any questions or comments feel free to call or e-mail.


 John De Herrera


 Episode 7 on this page is an hour discussion with Professor Rob Natelson:

 Return to Philadelphia by Justice Thomas E. Brennan (1982):

 Lawful and Peaceful Revolution by Justice Bruce Van Sickle (1990):

 Article V Convention FAQ:

 Leading national group:

 PDF database of state applications for the Article V Convention:

 Example of state application--Wisconsin 1929:

 Short video about Walker v. Members of Congress is found here:


 Standard parliamentary procedure is not some sort of chaos. Someone proposes an idea, it suffers debate, the question is called, and it's voted up or down. The Article V Convention does not and cannot rewrite the Constitution because whatever is proposed must be agreed to by a majority of the delegates, and then agreed to by 38 states. If someone or some group did want to re-write the Constitution, they'd first have to propose an amendment allowing for that, get it ratified by 75% of the nation, then come back and propose their new constitution, and then get that ratified. The Framers did not leave a self-destruct button in their masterwork.

 The constitutional process of convoking/convening a federal convention would elevate political discourse above corporate sound bites because discussion will be about first principles, amending the Constitution--a profound task. Any insincerity will be seen and exposed. The convention itself creates a dynamic that corporate interests can't control, its procedures contrast sharply with the modus operandi within Congress: a convention is a unicameral assembly with no conference committees required to reconcile divergent House/Senate bills. There are no labyrinths of autonomous standing committees with autocratic chairpersons to pass through, and no filibuster to overcome. A convention will initiate reforms Congress never will. Indeed it's the great fear of corporate interests: a runaway convention of the people, by the people, for the people.

 Delegates to the convention are not there to reinvent the wheel, but simply to propose amendments. Delegates will have a fresh point of view, the election they come from will have been specifically targeted to deal with what should be done. They're there to propose amendments and then return to civilian life, so they won't be studying polls nor looking for future campaign contributions. More importantly, whether or not delegates reach consensus on amendments today, it's the constitutional process which will save us. It will create a dynamic the same as telling a corrupt accountant an outside audit is to begin, which is really all a convention is, a second opinion. At the same time it will re-educate the nation about the Constitution itself, and why it was written the way it was. It will awaken a sense of confidence and participation in the people, which will flow back into and reinvigorate the regular political process, while at the same time calling the bluff on those who only talk about the Constitution.

 For those who don't understand it, it's clear now to many that America is in the hands of a corporate syndicate which controls everything and even writes laws or deregulates law through the legislatures they put in place. This makes what they do "legal" and makes it impossible for the people to hold them responsible. They own everything, including the media, the nation's only source of information, so it's easy for them to brainwash the public. They tell people that any attempt for the government to assist its citizens, in any form, is socialism but they give themselves tax breaks, atop the billions they siphon, and when their businesses run aground, they get billions of government dollars to help them out. They're so brazen that it's clear they've realized we can't do anything about it. The question is, are they right?

 We're all taught that the Declaration Independence and Constitution are our two most important founding documents, what we're not taught is that the former was written into the latter. The genius of the Constitution is that it provides for a peaceable break from the inevitable consequence of institutionalized corruption. Whether or not 38 states can agree to any one idea for a 28th Amendment, it's the constitutional process of convoking and convening a convention which will deliver us out of the clutches of evil.

 Court Rulings:

 Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803): "It cannot be presumed that any clause in the constitution is intended to be without effect."

 The convention clause of Article V is not without effect.

 Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, 14 U.S. 304 (1816): "The government of the United States can claim no powers which are not granted to it by the Constitution."

 No branch of government has the power to question the validity of a state application for the Article V Convention.

 Prigg v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 41 U.S. 539 (1842): "[The] Court may not construe the Constitution so as to defeat its obvious ends when another construction, equally accordant with the words and sense thereof, will enforce and protect them."

 To question the validity of a state's application attempts to construe and defeat the obvious ends of the convention clause.

 Dodge v. Woolsey, 59 U.S. 331 (1855): "The departments of the government are legislative, executive and judicial. They are coordinate in degree to the extent of the powers delegated to each of them. Each, in the exercise of its powers, is independent of the other, but all, right-fully done by either, is binding upon the others. The constitution is supreme over all of them, because the people who ratified it have made it so; consequently, anything which may be done unauthorized by it is unlawful."

 The three branches of government are unauthorized to question the validity of a state application because the power to do so does not exist. In fact, according to Federalist 85, the saving grace of the Constitution is the prohibition of such a power. The validity/effect of each state application is based solely on its having been cast.

 Jarrolt v. Moberly, 103 U.S. 580 (1880): "A constitutional provision should not be construed so as to defeat its evident purpose, but rather so as to give it effective operation and suppress the mischief at which it was aimed."

 To attempt to question the validity of a state application, either through its contemporaneousness or subject matter, is to attempt to defeat its purpose and allow the mischief at which it's aimed to suppress.

 U.S. v Sprague, 282 U.S. 716 (1931): "Where intention of words and phrases used in Constitution is clear, there is no room for construction [re-interpretation] and no excuse for interpolation."

 Any attempt at construction or interpolation as to the validity of state applications runs counter to the intention of the words used in Article V.

 Ullmann v. U.S., 350 U.S. 422 (1956): "Nothing new can be put into the constitution except through the amendatory process, and nothing old can be taken out without the same process."

 There's nothing in the Constitution which places any stricture in any way whatsoever on the validity of state applications for a convention. If Anti-Conventionists wish to limit the validity/effect of a state's application, they must propose such a law and then work to have that law ratified.

 Ullmann v. U.S., 350 U.S. 422 (1956): "As no constitutional guarantee enjoys preference, so none should suffer subordination or deletion."

 The constitutional guarantee to a national convention is currently suffering subordination. Based on the rule of law the Article V Convention is mandated, which means every Congress is in violation of the U.S. Constitution until the Article V Convention is convoked.

The shadow of fear is the color of truth
One axiom of the Talmud non Jews may wish to adopt
By John

American history in the 20th century has recorded the amazing achievements of the Federal Reserve bankers. First, the outbreak of World War I, which was made possible by the funds available from the new central bank of the United States. Second, the Agricultural Depression of 1920. Third, the Black Friday Crash on Wall Street of October, 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression. Fourth, World War II.

Fifth, the conversion of the assets of the United States and its citizens from real property to paper assets from 1945 to the present, transforming a victorious America and foremost world power in 1945 to the world’s largest debtor nation in 1990. Today, this nation lies in economic ruins, devastated and destitute, in much the same dire straits in which Germany and Japan found themselves in 1945. Will Americans act to rebuild our nation, as Germany and Japan have done when they faced the identical conditions which we now face--or will we continue to be enslaved by the Babylonian debt money system which was set up by the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 to complete our total destruction? This is the only question which we have to answer, and we do not have much time left to answer it. ~Eustace Mullins, 1991

What do you do, after observing how the Israelis shot those unarmed peace protesters trying to bring food to the starving people of Gaza, when some Jew like Colin Powell gets in your face and bellows: “You’re an anti-Semite! Anything you say about Israel is anti-Semitic!”
You should respond to the Jew thusly.
“Why should I believe anything you say? You have a five thousand year record of not telling the truth, plus you take an oath you renew every year to lie about everything to anyone and everyone. In fact, your lies are directly responsible for most of the misery in the world. Now, what was it you were saying? Even though I’d be a fool to believe anything you say.”
So, then, some smarmy Jew wannabe says, “We have to treat all people in the world equally. We’re all in this together.”
In that case, your response should be this.
“I believe that each person on this planet has a soul, a spirit, that deserves to be free and not be harmed by the evil plans of others. I believe all people in the world — except one group — believe in that principle. It is clear to everyone in the world who that one group is.”
Then of course, the Jew organizations fume, and begin to plot how to neutralize you. If words won’t work, then they’ll resort to more drastic measures, but first, they come at you in different guises, and have an uncanny knack of knowing your weaknesses to better worm their way into your confidence.
“I’m with you, baby,” says the dapper long haired fuzzy from Scarsdale, “I’ve supported the Palestinian cause for years.”
This is how you respond.
“Jews have profaned, prostituted, ravaged, betrayed, sabotaged, infected, manipulated, and above all, lied about everything they’ve ever touched since the dawn of time. Judaism is the philosophy of thieves and murderers, pathological in the abuse of even themselves, unfaithful to their brothers, pimps to their wives and children in the service of an evil deity that bids them to forever exploit and murder those they deem less deserving than themselves. And upon what do they base this insane behavior? Ancient nightmares that are proven to be works of pathological fiction woven together with the blood of innocents to morph its followers into regimented robots ready to kill on demand. And for what? An insane lie.”
So, when they realize you’re not going to be convinced by sweet remonstrances, they will resort to coarser measures. There is no shortage of corpses ready to exhibit their various methods of forced demise.
If the Jew refuses to acknowledge that your logic and presentation of historical consensus is far more convincing than his feeble attacks on your shameful character for offending his Jewish sensibilities in such a hurtful way, tell him this.
“As a Jew, you are a thoroughly despicable fellow merely for the philosophy you espouse in the name that you claim to be yours. To be a Jew is to be distrusted by the whole world for reasons that are wholly legitimate. Therefore, your protestations of being offended, or being victims of a hate crime, are ludicrous, since you are the inventor of hate crimes, as disgustingly delineated throughout your “holy” book, the accurséd Talmud.”
A common diversionary tactic among so-called “liberal” Jews, and also among goy Jew wannabes like Dirk Chardet, is to exclaim, “It’s not all Jews. Most Jews are atheists and don’t even know what’s in the Talmud.”
Point one. Judaism IS atheism. The G-d thing should have tipped you off it’s the quintessential opposite of God. And you wondered why their “holy book” was so weird, but you didn’t wonder — thanks to Jewish control of the media — why you couldn’t buy it anywhere, and you really should have, because in it are the instructions for YOUR own destruction. Just thought you’d like to know. Anyway, to say Jews are atheists is about as obvious as saying Christians, Muslims and almost everybody else worship a god or gods; they don’t hate God like Jews do. Who would hate God? Only an idiot, or someone who’s insane, right? And even atheists don’t HATE God; they just believe he doesn’t exist, and most of them are very thoughtful about why they think that way, which scares the hell out of routine believers whose thoughts about these matters are usually far less developed than their adversaries. But only the Jews actually HATE God, which is another way of saying they hate life, which is evidenced all too vividly by the tragic events in the world that they — the Jews — by their cunning, have created. Jews are the anti-Gods, thirsty for the debauchery of everything that lives.
Point two. Jews are trained as children to view everyone else in the world as hostile enemies with a traditional animosity toward Jews. Why this animosity exists is never fully explained to Jewish children, nor are all the perverse crimes of stealth against everyone that are clearly enumerated throughout the Talmud honestly explained to most Jews growing up. The vast majority of Jews believe they are members of a conspiracy against the world, and that they are bettering the world by their effort, except the evidence they produce for this assertion is most clearly presented in the blood of the millions of innocent people slaughtered by their schemes. And the silence of the Jews about the misery they inflict is a consistent reflection of the character they lack and the compassion and sincerity they mock as unprofitable sentimentality.
That’s right. I know it comes as a shock. Jews lack character. Imagine that.
Point three. The jugular of the Judaic world monster is to be found snugly ensconced in the most opulent and well-appointed suburbs of the United States of America, in push button control of their worldwide moneymarkets and connections and directions as to how to grease the skids and get in on the gravy train. That’s what they’re teaching kids to do in the schools of America. Don’t know too much; just have the right answer when the boss asks? And that’s the philosophy of a zombie country, no doubt about it. But we didn’t think it up ourselves. We never would have. It takes a foreign invader to ravage a country properly, and the Jewish invasion of the U.S. where the original mafiosi became the lawmakers has done that as it has always done that, from the reversed plotline of the Old Testament savaging of Egypt, through the corrupt disintegration of Rome, through the perversion of England, the bloody murder of France, Russia and Germany, and now, presiding on the eve of the vaporization of the United States are the smug, bombthrowing, murderous Jews, snickering in Jerusalem with their insincere smiles, threatening the world with mass starvation, poisoning from air, and nuclear weapons aimed at all the European capitals. It would be wonderful if this was not our future, but it is, and the Jews are wholly responsible for it.
Other effective rejoinders to snide Jewish comments about anti-Semitism include:
• “Mr. Edwards, how does it feel to call someone a “cockroach” or a “grasshopper” or “cattle”? Tell us all about it.”
• “Hey, Shlomo, did a mohel conduct your circumcision? Did you like it?”
•  “To all Jews and all people who support Jews: Can you tell me something you don’t have to lie about? Why if Jews are such sterling characters do they have to constantly lie about who they are, and what they’re doing?”
• To everyone: “Can you look at anything on TV and see anything that is not the result of Jewish money? OK, and what has that result done to American children? It has destroyed them. It has robbed them of the tools they need to make informed decisions about anything, and replaced the requirements of their lives with the tools of a slavery they will never know they’re under, as we never did, until it was too late.”
And lastly, always demand of a Jew to thank you for not killing him on the spot for all the harm his people have done to the world, but only if it doesn’t cost you money to do so. If it does, well, then, I leave it up to you to decide what to do.
In fact, maybe we SHOULD adopt one particular axiom from the Talmud, which stipulates that a Jew incurs no penalty for killing any non Jew.

Justly transposed by what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, the Law of Reversal now declares that a non Jew accrues no penalty for killing a Jew. The hue and cry over this suggestion advocating fairness for all will provide us all with a very clear indication of how out of balance the world actually is, and how far immersed in the diseased legacy of slaves who believe they are free we actually are.

How ironic, how cosmically and karmically appropriate, that a Talmudic axiom might be the solution to the manifold problems vomited forth from the Talmud itself upon an unsuspecting world.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida preaching the message that no problem in the world can be authentically addressed without first analyzing tangents caused by Jewish perfidy, which has subverted and diminished every aspect of human endeavor throughout history. Support for his work is wholly derived from people who can understand what he’s saying and know what it means.  250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA