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Mainstream media discredits itself over Wakefield claims, defends medical paradigm

Anthony Gucciardi

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ic that Wakefield's findings were entirely fabricated and baseless, and followed up the message with a call to arms for parents nationwide to vaccinate their children in light of these findings. Newly-discovered documents, however, point to the contrary. The documents show that two other professors had independently concluded the same problems 14 months before in their own research that Wakefield would eventually be accused of creating out of thin air. Mainstream "health" news outlets were quick to pickup the supposed fabrication of Wakefield's findings, yet they turned a blind eye to the independent research that coincided with his own.

On December 20th, 1996, Professor Walker-Smith presented his findings during a presentation at The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group based at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School. Dr. Walker-Smith had been studying the same 7 children that would later be a part of Wakefield's research. The presentation highlighted the extreme connection between vaccinations at birth and the development of autism, entitled "Entero-colitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR - A Review of the First Seven Cases." There is no mention of these findings in either the mainstream media reports or the British Medical Journal (BMJ). According to Dr. Wakefield, the authors of the study, Brian Deer and Dr. Godlee, should have -- or were -- fully aware of these findings, yet chose to ignore them:

"Brian Deer and Dr. Godlee of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) knew or should have known about the facts set out below before publishing their false allegations."

Dr. Wakefield's findings have now been, without a single doubt, verified through dual independent research and conclusion. Dr. Wakefield was not even involved in the research team of either study proving his own work, and eliminating any foul play that the media may begin to claim. Time will tell, however, if mainstream media outlets completely ignore this fact. The fact that such medical fraud can go on among the very doctors that are supposedly looking out for the best interests of the nation is very disturbing. To ignore the previous findings that solidified Dr. Wakefield's work is to erase previous medical history from any examination, to throw it down the memory hole. The media that voraciously attacked Wakefield, along with the BMJ, are putting their credibility on the line. As the truth comes out regarding the link between vaccinations and autism, both will continually lose readers who have realized their lack of credibility. Dr. Wakefield summarizes:

"In allowing itself to become the vehicle for Brian Deer's particular brand of journalism; in circumventing the process of due diligence in its enthusiasm to "kill the beast", the BMJ has taken a huge risk. As the document presented above shows, this was a mistake. Medicine, presented with the possibility of an iatrogenic catastrophe, has boarded a dissonant bandwagon and has gone after those who have concerns - genuine concerns - that childhood vaccines may be responsible, at least in part, for the autism epidemic. The relevant science has been grossly misrepresented, crushed beneath the wheels of a Public Relations 16-wheeler that is out of control. In the meantime a relentless tsunami of damaged children claims this land."

There is no other reason to ignore the truth, and thus the previous findings in the ongoing vaccine-autism research, than to vehemently defend an agenda. If the vaccine industry were to collapse, developers would lose billions, if not trillions, in revenue over a number of years. The whole medical paradigm would also be at risk, as consumers would logically demand investigations into other fields of the medical establishment. By attempting to discredit Wakefield and others through an inexorable quest to deny any negative effects associated with vaccinations, top medical officials are defending their blood money.


About the author

Anthony Gucciardi is a health activist and wellness researcher, whose goal is centered around educating the general public as to how they may obtain optimum health. He has authored countless articles highlighting the benefits of natural health, as well as exposing the pharmaceutical industry. Anthony is the creator of Shatter Limits (, a natural health website. Anthony has been accurately interpreting national and international events for years within his numerous political articles. Anthony's articles have been seen by millions around the world, and hosted on multiple top news websites.

Feb. 7, 2011