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RICHS RANTS Restoring the rights of upstate NY and downstate Indiana .

Rich's Rants

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The two Houses in the US Congress represent different sets of constituents. As we all know, the Senate is 2 Senators per state and the House Representative based on population within the state. As population grows or shrinks, so does their number of Representatives in Congress. Texas for instance, gained more seats from the recent census in the House than many states have. But in the Senate, those small population states, Delaware , Wyoming , etc, have equal representation in the Senate. This creates a balance of power that would not exist if the SCOTUS “one man, one vote law” was applied to them. So while Calif , Texas , NY,  FLA  and IL have heavy sway in the House, Alaska , Delaware and Montana can have their say in the Senate.

Most states followed that same pattern within their borders until ordered to change by the SCOTUS under the Equal Rights Clause in another misinterpretation of  the XIV. Under the “one man, one vote” edict, big cities like Boston , NYC, Chicago, rule their state legislatures while the non-urban areas have little voice in the state laws passed in their Capitals. Agricultural areas are especially under represented. People who live in smaller cities, towns, villages, and rural areas were for all practical purposes, have been disenfranchised.  Some pols running for a statewide office don't even waste precious campaign time in the hinterlands.

Further, under "one-man, one-vote, there is no valid reason to have 2 legislative bodies in state govt because they represent the same people in both houses---the big cities. We could expedite the process and save some hefty salaries (and graft) by disbanding one or the other.

Or, better yet, how about restoring the rights of upstate NY and downstate Indiana. Use the federal system of checks-and balances.
As I said previously, since the SCOTUS has decided that no one on planet Earth “has standing” to get the POTUS birth certificate into a court room, judicial solutions are no longer available to US. The birth certificate issue will not be a factor until the 2012 primaries when he may need his BC to get on the ballot of several states. Some state legislatures are writing laws requiring proof-of-citizenship to get on their ballots---which will most likely be swept aside by the regime, proving once more the SCOTUS has been corrupted.
Fishing in Ocean Ended in Southern California by Government Edict
The bread basket of America takes another hit by “scientists”.

Obama Sues Four States for His Union Buddies’ Card-Check Agenda

The USG just doesn't get it
Washington looks back at what they have done, while the TEA Party is looking ahead for something that will work. They ignored US when we formed 1,000’s of local groups;  On July 4, 2009, there were millions protesting nationwide, and they started calling US names. When that didn’t work, we marched on Washington , DC , 1.7 mil strong, and they still didn’t get it. In Nov we knocked off a record number of incumbents and took over the House by a large margin. What are we going to have to do to get their attention? 
Once again, the King of the RINOs demonstrated how he got that title. Not only did he side with the leadership of the Lame Duck process, he used his influence to persuade others to cross the aisle and join the transformation forces to disarm America . The result: one trillion added to the natl debt. 
Here’s my fix for an overzealous Lame Duck session, like we just watched pass $1 tril more debt in 10 days.
Any Congressman or Senator who loses his seat in an election, may participate in the business of the govt but shall  not vote on any matter.
Unintended consequences - Cash for Clunkers
The dumbest law ever passed by Congress. $4B tax dollars spent on trade-ins to destroy.
Destruction caused average used car prices to climb $1,800.

SPP treaty being implemented without Senate ratification

Immigration Officials Can Be Sued, Judge Says

What about TSA agents?
Anybody but Obama

How will Barack Obama be able to win the primary if Alvin Greene decides to run? (If you don’t know who he is, look him up.)

Site of the week
A Panties In Your Hand
Remember When...


Why was it verboten to mention Barak Obama's middle name in polite company, hmm.  Were they afraid someone might mistake him for a Muslim, hmmm?

LAST WORD Turn your speakers up

Red Skelton’s Pledge of allegiance


Things you can't say aloud---because the answer might scare you. 

What if Barack Hussein Obama's Kenyan parentage and formative years living in Indonesia affected who he is today, a Muslim.

           A. Powerful.                    C. In the eye of the beholder

           B. Irrelevant                    D. All of the above.

 That's all folks