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Virginia House approves bill to end HPV vaccine mandate four years after overwhelmingly approving it

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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cine before entering sixth grade.

"We just want to make sure parents are evaluating the risks of what they're giving their daughters, and not a legislative body," said Del. Kathy J. Byron (R-Lynchburg), sponsor of the bill. "I don't think that we have the medical degree to make those decisions."

The House voted 61-33 to end the mandate, leaving only Washington D.C. with HPV vaccine mandates. Texas Gov. Rick Perry attempted to mandate the HPV vaccine for young girls in 2007 through an executive order, but lawmakers effectively blocked it.

Merck and Co.'s Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix are the two HPV vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for preventing certain types of cervical cancer. But both vaccines have a long and dirty history of causing severe harm and death in girls that have received them.

Not only are the HPV vaccines a considerable threat to young girls' health, but a NaturalNews investigation revealed in 2007 that they do not even work. According to the evidence, the FDA knew since at least 2003 that HPV is not even linked to cervical cancer, but has continued to collude with drug companies to push the dangerous vaccine on the nation's youth.

There are also numerous cases of serious adverse events and deaths in girls that have received the vaccine, including 1,300 negative reactions to Cervarix in the U.K. (, and numerous deaths both in the U.S. and abroad from both vaccines (

To learn more about the dangers of HPV vaccines, visit:

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