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ARIZONA: Immigration Challenge Unlawful Under Constitution

David J. Smith

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            A stunning development has taken place that could send our nation into a Constitutional crisis that is if the Attorney General and Governor of Arizona will follow up on their legal status.

            A very astute attorney, who is well-versed in Constitutional law, states that the ruling against the state of Arizona by Judge Susan Bolton concerning its new immigration law is ILLEGAL.

            The attorney in question submitted her findings in a special article in the Canada Free Press. Her argument states in part:

            Does anyone read the U.S. Constitution these days? American lawyers don’t read it. Federal Judge Susan R. Bolton apparently has never read it. The same goes for our illustrious Attorney General Eric Holder. But this lawyer has read it, and she is going to show you something in OUR Constitution that is as plain as the nose on your face.


“Article III, Section 2, clause 2, says:

“In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have the original Jurisdiction.”


In other words, the Judge in the Arizona case has absolutely no Constitutional jurisdiction over the matter upon which she ruled. As the Constitution makes abundantly clear, only the U.S. Supreme Court can issue rulings that involve a state.

            This means that neither Judge Bolton nor the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, to which the case in being appealed, have any legal standing whatsoever to rule on the issue.

            Thus, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder filed the federal government’s lawsuit against the state of Arizona over its new immigration law in a court that has NO AUTHORITY to hear the case.


            In a related development, another explosive discovery was made by those who actually take the Constitution seriously. The Constitution specifically allows an individual state to wage war against a neighboring country in the event of an invasion, should there be a dangerous delay or inaction on the part of the federal government.


From Article I, Section 10, last paragraph, of the U.S. Constitution, we find these words: “No State shall, without the consent of Congress, engage in War, UNLESS actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”


No one who is actually familiar with the crisis at the southern border can deny that Arizona and Texas is endangered by the relentless assault of lawless Mexican invaders (felons) and drug cartels who ignore our laws, inundate our schools and medical facilities with unpaid bills, and even endanger the very lives of citizens with criminal drug cartels that engage in kidnapping, murder, human trafficking, and other mayhem, including aiming missile and grenade launchers directly at U.S. border cities from just across the Mexican border. Whole arsenals of weapons have been captured inside the Arizona border, left by fleeing drug cartel members from Mexico.

This is every bit as much of an invasion as the nation of Iran sending in a fleet of warships to the Port of Charleston.

The Constitution that forms the basis of the rule of law in this country says that Arizona (and Texas and California) has legal right to protect itself in the case of inaction or delay on the part of the federal government, including waging war in its self-defense.

This, when coupled with the clear Constitutional mandate that only the Supreme Court hear cases involving the States, should be ample legal basis for attorneys representing Arizona to go after the federal government. Governor Jan Brewer and the stalwart members of the Arizona legislature have ample legal reason to stand firm against the illegal bullying of an arrogant, lawless federal government.

All who have studied deeply into the conspiracy to overthrow the United States government for World Government will understand the federal governments delayed action of protecting the border. They want Mexico, Canada, and the United States to become united as the European Union. The creation of unions of nations is but a stepping-stone toward world government.

America is the last TARGET to be swallowed up by Socialism. With 70 Socialist walking the halls of Congress in Washington and a Socialist president, what will we do?


Thank you,

The Editor

david j smith

David J. Smith

Newswatch Newsletter for September 2010

Editor: David J. Smith 972-937-2227

Newswatch Magazine PO Box 36

Waxahachie, TX 75168