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The Constitution is just a worthless piece of paper

Von Helman

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As harsh at the truth may sound before I am lynched as a treasonous traitor by patriots dressed up in period costumes carrying tea cups let me at least try to explain.

I look back at the native Indians who lived off the land and had their own communities and respected nature and the natural law of things. Did they have a constitution telling them they were free or that they had rights, no they instinctively knew their place in the world and respected it, as does any man who is truly free.

Back when the USA was formed that now famous group of wise old gray headed men wearing funny wigs wrote up the constitution as part of the founding cornerstones of the new American Government. What’s lost by most people today is that in reality the constitution wasn’t for the people but rather simply to remind the government of their limits and position among the people it governed and served.

All these years later the government has bastardized that document to a point that it’s no longer recognizable. I mean what part of Infringed upon do they not understand, yet the government thinks they can regulate and pass laws that circumvent the actual rights that were laid out in that document which they were sworn to uphold.

Therefore I can only come to the conclusion that if the government feels the blatant need to do away with the Constitution or to void its importance through a failure to their own oath, it only goes to indicate the government is out of control and has become a self serving entity of evil.

Remember the constitution wasn’t created to tell me what my rights and freedoms are the Constitution was created for the government to realize what theirs were. So regardless of the Constitution or where it sits in a museum or what Congress decides to do next I have always been the same free man with the freedom to live free of any tyranny from anyone or any government and I have the right to defend myself against such tyranny at any time.

With my personal self awareness of my individual liberty I also understand my responsibility to myself, my family, and others who share the planet with me. I believe in a natural law but I won’t ever be regulated by a corrupt government that doesn’t know its place or respects it.

So yes this is why that once important document referred to as the constitution is in fact nothing more than a worthless piece of paper, not because I lack respect for it but rather the government lacks the respect for it.

I am now probably considered a home grown terrorist for standing up from my personal rights and freedoms which by the way is a definition put forward by that same Federal Government who has bastardized the Constitution to cause more division to which that same government continues to pass laws and taxes while refusing to balance the budget, audit the Federal Reserve, or stop the CIA from torturing people they kidnap and place in foreign prison camps to avoid having to follow that same constitution. Yes that same Federal Government that passed the hypocritical Patriot Act which was the single largest violation of the constitution that so many slaves have bought into as being good for the country they are enslaved to.

All I can say is NOT ME! I am a free man who will continue to live free until that day the US federal Government decides it wants to kidnap me and hold me against my will while violating my rights due to some law they created that gives them a sense of justification to their deeds while all I was doing was trying to live free.

Free to own as many guns as I want, Free to speak up against a tyrannical the Government, Free to decline the purchase of government mandated health care, Free to drive my car without wearing a seat belt, Free to raise my children the way I see fit, Free to refuse to pay taxes which is considered a crime by the same government which won’t allow an audit for the federal reserve for open transparency which taxes go to support and the list is endless.

So all I can say to the Federal Government is that they are Free to kiss my ass!

Editorial by Von Helman

Sept. 23, 2010