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Do You Realize How Much Power "We The People" Have?

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From:  DB
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:10 AM
Subject: FW: Do You Realize How Much Power "We The People" Have?

Whoa!  it just hit me what this guy is saying!

Very simple straight forward message, that explains

the "missing" 13th amendment.


The question is this -   Just because the Brits burned down

Washington DC in 1812, and destroyed the original 13th amendment

(there are still original copies) does that mean that this "properly ratified"

amendment is no longer valid???


I like what  Clive Buostred is doing here...   he's trying to EDUCATE US!

(by exposing the illegitimate agenda of the lawyers! no less)



Clive Boustred lays the foundations for taking

back OUR Republic from the Criminals who sit

as Judges running a business.


FYI - pass it on

Everyone needs to see the 8 min link
Now, this process I can support