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Unalianable Rights

Michale LeMieux

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From the very beginning of our government the nation has been in a constant state of change. We have progressed in nearly every area of our human existence; except we seem to have forgotten or lost the true meaning of our countries creation -- freedom. Our nation was founded on the concept of individual freedom, where the individual was sovereign and the government was the servant. With individual freedom came individual responsibility. One of those responsibilities was to control errant government actions and the courage to hold the government accountable when they stepped beyond their enumerated powers. For without checks and balances of that power, well meaning men will seek to enlarge power in an effort to protect our freedoms. But, as the scales of justice shows, in order to maintain a balance between freedom and governance the roles of master and servant cannot change and still maintain balance. For once the government steps beyond it's bounds the only power that can be taken is from the rights of the people.  In an effort to help spark a renewed understanding of what we have lost and the expansion of government beyond constitutional authority I wrote "Unalienable Rights."

Unalienable Rights