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Action Alert- SCR-13 Ohio Sovereignty Resolution Hearing Scheduled

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 5:15 PM
Subject: Fw: Action Alert- SCR-13 Ohio Sovereignty Resolution Hearing Scheduled


This is what we need to put into Ohio Sovereignty Law , Make the US Constitution as law in every state, county, city and towns. This gives our State sovereignty teeth. This we need to get to work on in every state, county, city and town. Lets do it now. This really makes the most sense of anything I have read.

Virginia Brooks, State Chair of the Reform Party of Ohio...RSVP if you agree....Spearhead it in your state or area...Reform-R-Nation


Voting in US Constitution as Law in States, Counties, Cities & Towns


Dear Friends:


Who are the biggest law breakers of the Federal Law? Well, yes it's the Federal Government themselves. They break immigration laws and any law they feel like to get their agenda through and they break other Constitutional laws doing so. So how do we stop them? Well listen to this Letter to the Editor:


"Are you aware of the latest federal regulations on public lands, such as: no picking up arrowheads, no picking up vertebrate fossils. If you cross BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land to access to your own property, you may be charged with trespassing. They can stop landowners from clearing brush from their own land. Many roads on U. S. Forests have been or will be closed to motor vehicles."


"Here is a way to take back control of the land within your county, quoted from the 'Center for Action Newsletter!' Two years ago, Catron County, New Mexico (population 2,500) was under considerable pressure by various federal regulations to curtail their local industries of logging, grazing and mining. Unemployment lowered their spirits until a new county counsel turned a rout into an attack."


"The new lawyer proved in court that the 50 states are 'individual sovereign nations unified by mutual agreement.' The power rests in the legal subdivisions -- the counties. The citizens have the final say on all public lands in their county. The county board of supervisors enacted the U. S. Constitution as a county ordinance. When federal authorities sought to arrest the board, the supervisor said, 'If you do, I will convene a special grand jury on the spot and have the sheriff arrest you!'"


"Five other counties in New Mexico have joined the coalition of Home Rule Counties. Should your county do the same?"


(Jack Peterson, Wyoming, Fur-Fish-Game, Columbus, Ohio January 1994)


This article speaks of counties but I believe it can be done in towns, cities and states. If a town, city or state has voted for the US Constitution as law, then its police force has a double reason to enforce the Constitution as well as to read it. You can see that several states, towns and cities have voted not to abide by the Patriot act. Yet, making the Constitution law in a city, town, county and state will show the Feds that we abide by the Constitution even if they don't. So basically they can make

any unconstitutional law they want to but we won't be listening or obeying!


I also believe that all towns, cities, counties and states that abide by the US Constitution should have special Constitutional training for all their law enforcement and public officials. Also, if needed, they should have volunteer constitutional deputies that in case of emergency could come up and have the police force. Also, if a county is in an area where a US Senator or US Representative live and this county has voted in the US Constitution as law and this Congressman has consistently voted unconstitutional laws, he or she could be arrested as a domestic enemy of the Constitution. Also in a Constitutional area we can enforce laws that are not enforced by the Federal Government such as illegal immigration. We could also ignore completely all unconstitutional laws that are passed by Federal Government.


Another great thing about voting in the US Constitution in your town, city, county or state is that you will know who are the enemies of the Constitution right away. What good Constitutional American could find fault with voting the US Constitution in their town or city as law! So you see those who find reasons against it are either ignorant or part of the whole agenda and should not be part of any public office, not even dog catcher!


All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 164, 176. (1803)


"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491.


"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." Norton vs. Shelby County, 118 US 425, 442.



Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 12:07 PM

Subject: Action Alert- SCR-13 Ohio Sovereignty Resolution Hearing Scheduled




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SCR-13 Ohio Sovereignty Resolution Hearing Scheduled


Dear Virginia Brooks,

SCR-13 is scheduled to be heard on Tuesday, June 16th by the Senate State & Local Government & Veterans Affairs Committee. Mobilize the troops!

Ohio State House

77 S. High St., Columbus, OH 43215

South Hearing Rm., 10:30 am

Please contact members of the committee and request their support of SCR-13!



Jim Hughes


Teresa Fedor

Ranking Minority Member

Jimmy Stewart

Vice Chair

Ray Miller

John Carey

Nina Turner

Timothy Grendell


Bill Seitz


Mark Wagoner


You may also use SLAM, or State Liberty Action Mailer here:

There is a pre-written e-mail that will go to your Senator as well as the entire committee.



Thanks again for your time and support! As always, be sure to check out for all things Ohio State Sovereignty.


In Liberty,


Gabe McGranahan

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