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New Free World -- Reclaiming Your Sovereignty

Paul Adams

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The Constitution of the United States of America, that bright beacon of Freedom, has come under attack by the internationalist elite who have hijacked America's Executive and Legislative branches.

We must always remember that without the Constitution, there is no America, and without America, there is no Free World. We cannot allow the secretive forces of corporate globalists to suppress the God-given freedoms and rights of Americans.

This site is a repository of articles, lectures, books and videos that provide irrefutable evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, and that plans had been unfolding for some time to transform America into a fascist state. On a more positive note, there are also videos that point to a future of free energy. What is there to fight over if water can replace oil? Connect the dots and the message is quite clear: 1) America is under attack from within; and, 2) the world is about to be set free.

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