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Barack Obama stated on Chicago Public Radio that he did not believe in the Constitution. Well today, March 19,2009 the US House of Representatives along with New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo took action that has effectively killed the US Constitution as we know it.

Today the US House decided to ignore the US Constitution and pass a bill directly aimed at specific American Citizens (meaning the AIG employee's) taxing them for political posturing. Barack Obama touted how he was a constitutional law educator and attorney yet he fails to comply with that pesky little document.

In addition to this violation of the Constitution by the House, now the New York Attorney General uses his subpoena power to violate the Constitutional right to privacy by demanding the names and addresses of the AIG employee's. This is the same tactic employed by the Obama Campaign and its supporters/surrogates: Intimidate, threaten public humiliation and harassment, until people surrender into submission.

Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo

Wake up America, when this is done to the employee's of AIG it is only a matter of time before it becomes common practice against anyone who stands up to and is critical of the Obama Administration on Democrats in Congress! From Army MP's entering an Alabama town in a law enforcement role in violation of the constitution to passing a bill taxing specific employee's of a specific company to violating their rights to privacy by New York Attorney General and Congress.

Interesting how those threats to use "piano wire" around peoples necks. Piano Store owner from Houston, Texas by chance making such threats? It wouldn't be the first time.

Oh and lets not forget House Speaker Nancy Pelosi caught on tape in the commission of a Federal felony as defined by the US Immigration Service concerning the assisting and harboring illegal aliens. Contrary to Pelosi's claims, the law she was in direct violation of is that she knowingly engaged in an engagement where illegal aliens were housed.
