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State Sovereignty if Unnecessary

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----- Original Message -----
From: BR
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 2:39 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 This is all well and good, except that this state sovereignty is unnecessary, and another one of those "shut up" moves by the state legislatures rather than doing what they need to do in order to curtail the federal government and act as"representatives" of  the people rather than "agents" of the feds.  In Article IV, Section 4 it already asserts the "sovereignty" of the states by "guaranteeing to each state a Republican form of government," and the Tenth Amendment already reinforces that any and all powers not given to the federal government rest with the states and the people.


 This is redundancy, and will serve no purpose unless and until the states actually start suing the federal government for "lack of performance" when they don't provide the revenue or resources for the enumerated powers, or start filing "injunctions" when they overstep their powers and start forcing the state's and people to cowtow to their unconstitutional edicts.


 This is nothing more than a move in "word" that will not be enforced by "deed," unless more energy is put into confronting the state legislators also on the "negligence" in doing their proscribed functions when the feds are either out of line, or themselves negligent in their duties.


 Nothing more than more bureaucracy and looking like they are doing something, when actually doing nothing at all.