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Copy of New Hampshire Bill HCR6 and Washington Memorials 4009 and 8002... A FINAL WORD

Allen D. Glasenapp

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-From: Allen D. Glasenapp
To: 'Shea, Rep. Matt'
Cc: 'Kristiansen, Rep. Dan' ; 'Pearson, Rep. Kirk' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 3:45 AM
Subject: RE: Copy of New Hampshire Bill HCR6 and Washington Memorials 4009 and 8002... A FINAL WORD


One final word on this series…

The important point to make here was not the exercise of Memorial 4009 likely “dying on the vine” in the Washington state legislative process…the important thing to realize is that Washington state, New Hampshire and many other states across this country are waking up to the fact that WE THE PEOPLE are being overrun by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and that Constitutional protections against complete control by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT are through the STATES EXERCISING THEIR SOVEREIGNTY over the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  This movement by so many states to put the “brakes” on the runaway FEDERAL TRAIN is unprecedented…why do you think it is being considered by state legislatures all across the country?

If you believe that this next go around of sinking us all further into the current economic abyss in the guise of a “stimulus” package is for the good of the American people then the D.C. propaganda machine has once again duped you into right where they want you to be and into believing exactly what they want you to believe…it’s nothing more than another ploy to benefit the banks, corporations and other interests that control the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and in turn control YOU!!!

The “fear” campaign, intended to convince us all that if we don’t follow our GOVERNMENT “mandates” economic conditions will worsen and we’ll face catastrophic disaster, seems to be working rather effectively…the real fear you should have is in the smoke and mirrors of Washington D.C. and the new regime isn’t any different than the old…the new administration’s goals are to make your FEDERAL GOVERNMENT bigger and more in control of your lives than ever…

As stated in threads below, time grows short and there will come a day when you may wish you would have acted but when that day comes it will be too late to do so…MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD…SAVE the REPUBLIC and the CONSTITUTION…support a movement toward STATE SOVEREIGNTY before the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT takes that power away from you too!!!  Write your legislators and tell them you SUPPORT STATE SOVEREIGNTY and in keeping the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN CHECK!

Edmund Burke’s words fit well here   " The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" 

It’s up to all of you from here…you can let apathy be your position or you can take actionit’s up to you to protect your freedom and take a stand for YOUR REPUBLIC…thanks to all who took the time to read this chain of emails and please MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!!!  If you think this is important information please forward it to all of your email lists…Allen


From: Allen D. Glasenapp []

Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:25 PM

To: 'Shea, Rep. Matt'

Cc: 'Kristiansen, Rep. Dan'; 'Pearson, Rep. Kirk'; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

Subject: FW: Glasenapp, Allen - Copy of New Hampshire Bill and Washington Memorials...pass them on to your state representatives and tell them to follow suit...



Here is what I received today from Washington state Representative Matt Shea’s office:

From: Robinson, Jim [] On Behalf Of Shea, Rep. Matt

Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:15 PM

To: 'Allen D. Glasenapp'

Subject: RE: What gives Hunt the right not to hear 4009?

Mr. Glasenapp,

Thank you for taking the time and effort to contact me on this important issue.  I was elected on a platform of "...lower taxes, smaller government, and more freedom."  I intend to live up to that pledge.

There are many who want to know the status of HJM 4009.  This bill was assigned to the State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee.  As is the case in all committees, the Chair of each committee decides if a bill assigned to it will receive a hearing or not.  I have been informed that the Chair of this committee has decided to not give HJM 4009 a hearing.

If a bill does not receive a hearing, its progress is stopped and it is essentially dead.

Several of my constituents have asked me about internet resources that can help them find the information they need.

If you want to see the actual bill, go here and enter the 4-digit bill number:

A direct link to HJM 4009:

This is a link to the committee directory:

And to the State Govt & Tribal Affairs Committee with contact information:

Rep Matt Shea

4th Legislative District

(360) 786-7984



Well now it’s even more important that you pay attention to this series…seems the memorial for Washington state sovereignty, memorial 4009 attached herein, will NOT EVEN MAKE IT TO BEING HEARD BY COMMITTEE.  As I predicted, the chairman of the State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee DOES NOT intend to allow the 4009 memorial to be heard by the committee he chairs per representative Matt Shea’s letter above.  If you haven’t yet viewed the following link please do so now and then read on…



This move by the chair of this committee is a crowning example of where YOUR government is leading you and it should have huge impact as a “wake up call”.  A very important bill concerning your fundamental Constitutional protections from too much control over you by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in conjunction with State sovereignty rights has apparently just been completely IGNORED by elected officials of this state.  IS that what you intended to transpire? The 4009 memorial is apparently never going to see the light of day. The committee members and their email links are noted in the letter from representative Shea above. Since the committee chairman made the decision to kill the bill, I’d suggest directing your emails to him.

I can’t overemphasize how important this is and that your action is REQUIRED…If you agree this is an OUTRAGE then I strongly suggest you  pay close attention to what’s going on in your government at the STATE AND FEDERAL level and get involvedTAKE A STAND.  DEMAND YOU’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE LETTING THE GOVERNMENT MAKE YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU ANYMORE.  Use killing this memorial as your incentive to email the committee members…write your local newspaper editor…send an email to the local television stations…send this to all your friends and tell them to tell their friendsplay a role in getting your Republic back or you’ll more than likely be part of watching it lost forever…This state sovereignty issue is probably the one last hope that we have of stopping the trend of power over the people by the FEDERAL GOVERNMEMT...make your voice heardthank you!!!…Allen

From: Allen D. Glasenapp []

Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 9:05 AM

To: 'Michael gardner'

Cc: ''; 'Kristiansen, Rep. Dan'; ''

Subject: FW: Glasenapp, Allen - Copy of New Hampshire Bill and Washington Memorials...pass them on to your state representatives and tell them to follow suit...


Here’s the final in this series and the most important one because it requires you taking action…it doesn’t matter where your political lines lie, all that matters is your desire to keep your FREEDOM and your right to be an individual.  It’s your choice if you want to keep your rights and restore the Republic or just let things go on as they are and watch this Nation fall to its Federal Government.  A definition of the proposed memorials from Washington state is below…they are only proposed right now…they need our support to get enacted and you contacting your state reps is what makes it happen.  There are links below to do so and if you’re not a Washington resident just Google “state congressional districts” and you’ll get several ways of contacting reps in your state.  This needs to be a National effort at the state level such that we regain the control of the government by the people as opposed to our current trend toward control of the people by the government.  Make no mistake…there is little time to turn this trend around and the current administration is further propagating a move toward controlling every aspect of your life.  The very last bottom thread of this chain of emails with the link to the history of government is worth watching again.  It tells the tale of what will likely happen if we don’t act.  Don’t be a sheep…save the Republic. Thank you, thank yourself and please forward this to everyone on your email lists…Allen

From: Glenn, Brenda [] On Behalf Of Kristiansen, Rep. Dan

Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 4:35 PM

To: 'Allen D. Glasenapp'

Subject: RE: Glasenapp, Allen - Copy of New Hampshire Bill...pass it on to your representatives and tell them to follow suit...

Thank you Allen. As I promised here is a definition of what a memorial does;

JOINT MEMORIAL. A message or petition addressed to the President and/or Congress of the United States, or the head of any other agency of the federal or state government, asking for consideration of some matter of concern to the state or region. Proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution are also in the form of joint memorials.

As you may know Rep. Kristiansen sends out a Legislative E-newsletter.  If you are interested in receiving it you can sign up at Rep. Kristiansen’s website; .

For information about the House Committee this bill has been referred to and contact information for the Committee members please visit the Legislative website at: .

Again, thank you for emailing Rep. Kristiansen.   I hope this information is helpful.


Brenda Glenn, Sr. Legislative Assistant

Representative Dan Kristiansen


P.O. Box 40600

Olympia, WA 98504-0600

From: Allen D. Glasenapp []

Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 3:26 PM

To: Stevens, Sen. Val

Cc: Shea, Rep. Matt; Kristiansen, Rep. Dan

Subject: RE: Glasenapp, Allen - Copy of New Hampshire Bill...pass it on to your representatives and tell them to follow suit...

Dear Senator Stevens,

Thank you for your correspondence and attachments.  While an audit of the Federal Reserve is certainly in order I am not very confident that it will be “independently” conducted given that the same corrupt officials that were in charge of the Federal Reserve it are now a part of the “Obama team”. Secondly how can we continue to even allow its existence when it is a part of the “private sector” and the only purpose it seems to serve right now is to continue to print Monopoly money for corrupt banks, politicians, and the Illuminati, while putting generations to come into even deeper debt…Unfortunately while the “spirit” of the two attached “memorials” seems apparent it also appears that both of the them have no “teeth”…it is also unfortunate that we live amongst a heavy populous of left wing liberals in this state that tend to favor being sheep instead of sheep herders so these two “memorials” may never see the light of day. Can you tell me exactly what a Memorial does if passed and how the Federal Government will be held accountable regarding enforcement? 

I don’t mean to come across as cynical but my Federal Government has positioned itself such that I would be a fool not to be…Perhaps I should follow up with representative Dan Kristiansen…I have spoken with him in the past during the “bail out” debacle but that was such a farce I gave up and became disinterested since the Federal Government ignored the will of the majority of the people and slammed that right through.  How do the representatives of our Federal Government that voted for that junk legislation feel right now particularly when it appears that no one has a clue where the money went?…Maybe I should  pick up the conversation with Mr. Kristiansen again regarding helping getting this “memorial” legislation enacted, he’s a neighbor of mine.  This seems a cause worth of putting some effort into if it gives the Republic even the slightest chance of regaining some life.  The 10 square miles of Washington, D.C. and the corruption that resides there should not dictate the fate of the people of the United States.  Our country was founded on the premise of the people, for the people, by the people NOT of the government, for the corporations, by the lobbyists…God help us if the movement now being undertaken by the states to take back sovereignty is ignored…we’ll all be saying goodbye to the United States and hello New World Order…and by the way…where is the National media coverage on this unprecedented move by the States…well we know who controls them now don’t we… thanks for doing your best to slay the dragon…hope it’s not too little too late…Allen

Respectfully yours,

AllenGlasenappNetAllen D. Glasenapp,

Associate Broker

Windermere Real Estate/Northwest, Inc.

Mobile:  (425) 218-8002

Office:  (360) 794-3777

Fax:      (360) 794-5731



...hard work gets results


From: Stevens, Sen. Val []

Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 8:36 AM

To: 'Allen D. Glasenapp'

Subject: RE: Glasenapp, Allen - Copy of New Hampshire Bill...pass it on to your representatives and tell them to follow suit..

Mr. Glasenapp,

Thank you for bringing to our attention HCR6 which has been introduced at the federal level.  Attached is a copy of House Joint Memorial 4006, claiming state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment, introduced by Representative Matt Shea.  This memorial has been referred to the House State Government and Tribal Affairs Committee. The contact information for is: and his telephone number is: 360-786-7984. 

You may be interested to know that I have introduced Senate Joint Memorial 8002 which requests for an audit of the Federal Reserve.  A copy is attached for your information.

Allen, thanks again for your message and comments.  If I may be of further assistance, please let me know.

Senator Val Stevens

39th Legislative District

From: Allen D. Glasenapp []

Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 11:22 PM

To: 'Michael gardner'

Subject: Glasenapp, Allen - Copy of New Hampshire Bill...pass it on to your representatives and tell them to follow suit...

Best wishes to all,

Here’s the actual bill to follow up from my email yesterday and please take a moment to view the link below to get a feel for why it’s so important that you pay attention to what is going on in our Federal Government…I hope you will all take this as seriously as those who laid the foundation for our Republic and intended us to retain our FREEDOM…if you think we’re not headed in the wrong direction then by the time you realize you were wrong, you’ll find yourself wishing you had taken action when you had the chance.  The individual states taking back the power to the people is our last chance of saving the Republic, you were given a great gift by the Founding Fathers and the Constitution…please use it or lose it, thanks to all and pass this on to everyone you know…Allen


AllenGlasenappNetAllen D. Glasenapp,

Associate Broker

Windermere Real Estate/Northwest, Inc.

Mobile:  (425) 218-8002

Office:  (360) 794-3777

Fax:      (360) 794-5731



...hard work gets results