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Gun control in America, Part I: The T-word.

John Longenecker, LA Gun Rights Examiner

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In America, we are not merely governed, we are self-governed. This is a nation of self-rule, not rule. Did you ever get the idea that we are simply being ruled instead?

There are many words Americans hesitate to use. No, the T-word is not Terrorism, it is Tyranny. And the word is not on the lips of most Americans, not yet. It is, for now, a question of whether current affairs even rise to the level of even uttering the word.

Nations do not disarm by choice, but under official force. This statue stands before the U.N. Building in the United States Of America.

Well, how far do we have to walk in our liberty in being regulated by individuals who know nothing about guns – what it is about guns isn’t even about guns – before we see signs of abuses of powers not granted? At this time, we see confiscations and plenty of examples of unreasonable and unworkable regulation of citizen rights. This has forced many states to adopt emergency condition legislation to ensure the rights of citizens to remain armed in time of local disaster, a very patriotic move. These states recognize not only the utility and necessity of the armed citizen as a community asset, but also their constituents’ supreme authority. This is a rapport there between the government and the governed, and should be an uncomplicated model for all other states. It is self-rule in action.

Serialization of ammunition would be one example of a defiance of citizen authority, and I emphasize that police ammunition is exempt. What makes serialization of cartridges so unreasonable and what makes it qualify as the T-word in action is that the technology has not proven workable in the least, the concept is filled with technical ambiguities with no evidentiary value, and forces an unreasonable burden on 90 million gun owners, manufacturers and sellers without really touching the criminal, and that’s alleged to be the goal, isn’t it? The serialization of cartridges or the tracers put into the powder propellant will never answer the question as to who the shooter was, and may never even furnish leads. But it will frustrate gun owners to the glee of the anti-liberty movement, and it’s unreasonableness backed by official force rises to the level of Tyranny.

The serialization of cartridges or the tracers put into the powder propellant will never answer the question as to who the shooter was, and may never even furnish leads. But it will frustrate gun owners to the glee of the anti-liberty movement, and it’s unreasonableness backed by official force rises to the level of Tyranny.

The technology applies only to sem-automatic handguns, and thugs could easily switch over to knives, clubs or bare hands.. In fact, without a gun, they do. If they had any fear of ever being traced, located and caught. And where this technology, if even workable, could be used would be in law enforcement where serialization to identify the weapon at police shootings can exonerate officers as well as anything else. .. If the technology were even workable.

What raises many non-gun issue programs to the level of Tyranny is the pattern and practice of freezing the citizen – the only sovereign in the country – out of policy formation, and freezing citizens out of recoveries after including them had been promised and even well established for a time. Changes without consent or notification of the sovereign in things such as disaster planning and disaster recovery are abuses. Tyrants abuse their powers by changing things without consent, our consent. Under our system, our government has no rights; only we do, and the ever-increasing assumption of powers not granted meets the test of what is the T-word in 2009.

It’s important to understand that many more citizens are now eyeing government on the suspicion that crises are no accident, but social engineering. Transfers of wealth, new mandates, confiscations, and other fiats proven in other nations are now stepping out of the history books to become reality in the United States in 2008 and 2009. We’re seeing more crises which really could have been avoided if only the servants had listened to constituents in the first place. This is why it is social engineering to freeze the citizen out of the process, and not mistake or being misguided. Tens of millions of Americans now know that they were not forgotten, we were ignored. What follows is an unreasonable mandate for all, and the result is compliance or-else. Tyranny.

What betrays the motives is excluding the citizen purely because the concept of self-rule is a safeguard against such boondoggles.

Gun control is the model for cloning dozens of other programs on what Americans will tolerate. The blueprint is to identify a crisis, allow it to deteriorate until it is met with public demand for action, then issue a mandate which doesn’t improve the condition, but worsens it and leaves citizens puzzled, but complying. This is nothing new. The fact that it is actually succeeding in the United States is what’s new. It is all proved to be the model for snuffing out father’s rights, give-away-the-store trade relations, surrender of our U.S. Patents and Copyrights, erosion of privacy, energy dependency when we have our own, International cooperation in furnishing U.S. Citizen files to international police, and a worldwide National ID Card. [If you think we’re the only ones facing a national database, see search terms India National ID Card, Philippines, New Zealand, etc. etc. etc]

The blueprint is to identify a crisis, allow it to deteriorate until it is met with public demand for action, then issue a mandate which doesn’t improve the condition, but worsens it and leaves citizens puzzled, but complying or-else.

The good news remains: the servants don’t get to decide whether they are tyrannical, the sovereign gets to decide, and that's us. 

More to come in Part II.