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HOW TO SERVE MAN: or how I learned to love and hate the worship of corporate law.

T.S. Kamen

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The English language is a manipulative ever changing language.  What was said in one generation will not be understood but a generation latter.  This dynamic is fluid and I fear encouraged.  As only law scholars will know the true intent of the word and their interpretations.  This essentially creates a religious class, based on the study and enforcement of archaic untaught law dialect.   An example can be found in the creation of the 14th amendment "citizen" of the United States.  By tacitly accepting and not refuting federal citizenship over state citizenship we in essence fall into a class of citizen akin to the citizen of Washington DC.  Federal 14th amendment citizens fall under the judicial review of congress whom has authority to ORDAIN justice.  The ordained courts of statute justice from congress are essentially usurping the law that god ordained upon man in the preamble of the Constitution.  However it I assume has been argued that "service to self" worship of the lay citizen is in fact a declaration of religion under the 1st Amendment, thus fictitiously absolving the wicked for perpetrating ignorance.


The unconstitutionality of the 11th amendment per Marbury vs Madison which determined that congress did not have the authority to subvert its constitution only strengthens the argument not creates it.  Even as Marbury vs Madison was post facto to the 11th Amendment its merits are non linear.  The fact that a thing (the right to justice) was not argued against successfully does not merit its removal.  The tacit act of removal signifies intent against the nature of the constitution and its inherent intent to reserve for the individual all rights ordained by god per the preamble of the Constitution.  The subversion of the Constitution it seems started with its very first addidtion, the 11th Amendment.


Unless the government is the secret legal guardian of all tacit federal citizens there seems to be no other explanation.  I have never received a notice of such federal citizenship and thus must determine that I am not a federal 14th amendment citizen but a preamble Citizen.  As a preamble Citizen I reserve and declare all rights unto myself as ordained by god not congress.  As such I reserve my right to Article III justice under the Constitution and not simply the Federal mind-washing statute religion of congressionally ordained justice.  A clear violation of the separation of powers clause that directly forbids interdependency of the three federal branches of government the executive, legislative and the judiciary does exist.  At this point an argument can be made that the congress has in effect created a state religion of corporate law worship.


The vast majority of Americans have in essence been brainwashed into a "service to self" mentality and have compartmentalized reason to such an extent that they have have farmed out key moral standards to others.  These others whom also worship "service to self" care little for the general interest of any individual other than themselves.  One key factor to true luciferian "service to self" religion is to not be burdened and questioned about life's personal choices.  Thus the federal govt has "not" informed us of our true religion as every citizen has an unlimited right to contract.


This is the societal structure that we have today in America.  Dog eat dog.  By increasing relative poverty Americans pay themselves into thinking that they are actually doing the greatest good.  Simply allowing other cultures to feed from the table scraps of our economy is not humane in any sense when actual humanity can be shown.   If mankind were ever to awaken to a sense of humanity that the founding fathers held in this day and age of total information the roar would be heard around the verse.


In TONA2009 I see the foundation for change.


"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or

accept and retain any present, pension,office, or emolument of any kind whatever,from any emperor, king,

prince, foreign power, or secret society, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and

shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."


There currently exists nowhere on earth where abolishment of corruption and essentially moral transparency are required.  Please support TONA2009 and make a decision in your life on whether you want to walk up or down the trail that is life.   You will never know yourself until you define yourself, you cannot define yourself unless you take a position on where you stand morally.