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'Congressman Conyers': A Privileged Resolution on Impeachment

George Karavelis

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;            July 12, 2008

Chairman House Judiciary Committee

U.S House of Representatives

Washington D.C


Dear Congressman Conyers,

Since my initial letter, of June 18th, 2008  requesting your committee, to vote on Congressman’s Kucinich 35 Articles of Impeachment, there has been a wall of silence from the halls of your chamber. In my previous letter, not that I am in the business of  repetitive jargon, but I quoted some serious allegations, if legislators do not adhere to their Constitutional duty, and their oath of office.  If the House and Senate fail( intentionally and without regard to their constituents wishes) to recognize and adhere to their Constitutional duty, the legislators will be violating their oath of office taken. That, according to the Founding Father’s was Treason.  Congressman Kucinich, this past Thursday, July 10th, 2008 even refined the thirty five articles to one specific article of impeachment. This one article of impeachment  addresses and describes how George W. Bush deceived Congress into believing Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. This one article that was introduced by Congressman Kucinich on the House floor, is referred to as a “ Privileged Resolution” which carries substantive  and time restraints.  Congressman Conyers, a  “Privileged Resolution” requires and mandates  the legislative branch, to act on the measure within  Two( 2) legislative days.  The U.S Citizens can expect( demand) that a vote will take place, on this One Article of Impeachment, by no later than Monday, July 14, 2008..  Congressman Conyers, it is plain and simple good etiquette to follow up on my initial letter and make sure that the U.S Constitution, which was written for “The People” , as a means of preserving their sovereignty, is never disrespected, again.



                                                      George Karavelis


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