Information for Readers in Regard to Casper Update of March 24, 2008 (Updated 3/30/08)(Includes Articles by "S"
There are 24 pages of information with 10 articles list per page.
2. Comments: Jan. 19, 2007 "Going to Zero Point Within_Reboot
3. Comments on lst Casper Update of Jan. 18, 2008
4. Comments On: "Financial MEltdown: The End of a 300 Year Ponzi Scheme
5. Comment Re: Final (3rd)
6. Comments Re:
7. Comment: Story_Wanta Update_More Snakes in the Grass??
8. State of the Union Address: Another Ploy? Why A Financial Literacy Czar Now?
9. Hypothetical and Speculation_Are We the People A Wild Card, Now Awakened?
10. The Lieber Code (This is from S.)
11. Senate Documents -= 73rd Congress, lst Session, March 9-June 16, 1933 ( Sent by S.)
12. The Three
13, The Relationship Of Master and Slave - Chapter (From S)
14. Comments: LIeber Code Authority Underscores The
15. Comments On "
16. My Last Comment to the Readers of Fourwinds
17. Going Bankrupt: Comments by S
18. Affidavit of X-Federal Reserve Banking Attorney_Judicial Proceeding Dec. 2003
20. The Red Amendment by L. B. Bork
21. Believe and Make It So -- by S
22. Brief Historical Analysis of
23: Comment: Fourwinds Post Jan. 22, 2008
24. Comment and Breaking News--Economic Stimulus Plan Agreement Imminent--More Of the Same Artifice & Scheme at Work?
25. Comments by "S" on Congressional Recess video - "Uncle Jay Explains the News"
26. Comment by "S": House Passes HR 660_Court Security Improvement Act of 2007
27. COMMENTS by "S" on the Christopher Story Update of Feb. 14, 2008
30. U.S. Code Collection with Comments by "S"
*NOTE: Research has been conducted directly on DUNN & BRADSTREET website for “company” listings and access to more detailed informational profiles on any selected listing.
EXAMPLE PAGE: The below is a copy/paste of a single page which opened up when selecting the listing for “JUDICIARY COURTS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA”. Please take note of the very bottom to verify this is from DUNN & BRADSTREET in fact. The main DUNN & BRADSTREET caption did not pull over to this page with the copy/paste. Also, please note that the name of the listed company is always spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, or in Upper and Lower case letters, which are evidence of two diverse and distinct “legal entities”, even though they may have the same sounding ‘name’. Below this example page is but one of a a broad selection of listings, beginning with what is commonly presumed to be the ‘top down’ of the ‘government’. These listings are consistent with: 28 USC 3002 (15)(A-C) and 26 USC 7701 for legal meaning of “United States”, as well as consistent with the Supreme Court decision of the Hooven case in 1945, attached in the document above titled, “THE THREE UNITED STATES”.
Due to time and expense, initial research and results have been limited to mere superficial levels of ‘Listings’ or “selected listings”. Detailed information is available for each listing on a fee basis.
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IRS and D-U-N-S Number
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: trep777 <trep777@dctexas.net>
Date: Mar 21, 2008 10:37 PM
Subject: IRS and D-U-N-S Number
To: Undisclosed-Recipient
Now folks I want you to see on attachment that IRS INCs are registered on Dunn & Brad as full fledged Corporations as DBAs.
Now you tell me how they can operate under Title 26 not being a part of any Government acting as 3rd party Debt Collectors.
For those that wish to pull your state up on Dunn & Brad open web site http://www.dnb.com/us/
go to the right side and type in INTERNAL REVENUE go down to state and click on your state. By the way your State Governor is also probably listed as a Corporation.
The following are additional articles to read. Additions will be made as they become available.
1. The Jay Treaty; November 19, 1794
3. Northwest Ordinance; July 13, 1787
4. Explanation and History of War Powers On the American People
5. Seward’s Order
6. Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action
8. Confiscation Act of 1861
9. Links to USA INC
10. Team Law
11. Institutionalized Tyranny: The Character & Color of Authority
12, The Masters of Deceit
13. The Debates i the Federal convention of 1787 reported by James Madison: Sept. 14
14. Knowledge = Freedom (webiste)
The laws, events and leadership in America now are totally foreign to what our Founding Fathers gave us. Today we live under the "control" of a few that are doing precisely what our Founders predicted if we became apathetic. You and I allowed the problems that exist and now we must correct them non-violently or accept them for our children. All partisan, racial and spiritual boundaries must be (and are being) crossed for the return of citizens with only one label; American, with only one purpose; Freedom.
15. Freedom and External Self-Empowerment
From: www.3wisemenessentials.com/freedom.html
Sam Adams: Rendering Caesar His Due
Gary Allen: Rockefeller File
William Avery: Dispatch of Merchants
Brad Barnhill: Letter to Get Out of the Draft
Frederic Bastiat: The Law
Kent D. Bentkowski: Will You Survive the Coming Financial Crash?
John Berkowitz: The Truth About 9-11
Edward Bernays: Propoganda
Robert Bissett: Letters to Jessica, A Child's Guide to Freedom
Boston T. Party: You & the Police
John Bouvier: Law Dictionary, Rev. 6th Ed., 1856
Charles Bridge: Treatise on Legal Remedies of Mandamus, Habeas Corpus, Certiori & Quo Warranto
Ellen Brown: Dollar Deception: How Banks Secretly Create Money
Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Grand Chessboard
Barton Buhtz: UCC Investigative Report, 5/26/03
Smedley Butler: War Is A Racket; pdf
Dave Champion: American Radio
Frank Chodorov: Income Tax - Root of All Evil
Common Law Venue: documents
Peter Cook: What Banks Don't Want You to Know
William Cooper: Behold a Pale Horse; Secret Government; Secret Societies, NWO
Richard Cornforth: Secrets of the Legal Industry
Mary Elizabeth Croft: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man
Sam Davis: Status Is Freedom
Étienne De La Boetie: Discourse on Voluntary Servitude
Frederick Douglass: This Fourth of July is yours, not mine
Albert Einstein: Warning of Zionist Fascism; Bjerknes: St. Einstein
Sheldon Emery: Billions for Bankers – Debts for the People; Real Story of the Money Control Over America
Myron Fagan: Illuminati & the Council on Foreign Relations
Edward Feser: Taxation, Forced Labor & Theft
Erik Fortman: Some Paine-ful Common Sense
Fraser & Beeston: The Brotherhood & the Manipulation of Society
Thomas Freed: Simple Truth
Freedom School: website
Douglas Gnazzo: Gold: Sovereign of Sovereigns
William Goodloe: Jury Nullification: Empowering the Jury as the 4th Branch of Government
G. Edward Griffin: Creature From Jekyll Island (audio)
Paul Grignon: Money as Debt
Greg Hansen: Family Guardian; Great IRS Hoax; Why You Aren't Subject to the Draft; Sovereignty Forms & Instructions; Sovereign = Foreign
Anthony L. Hargis: His Especial Sovereign
Peter Hendrickson: Lost Horizons; Criminal Rites of Spring; A Subterfuge; "Trade or Business" Approach
Patricia Henry: Give Me Liberty During My Life - Advice to the Young Who Want to Live Free
Jack Herer: Emperor Wears No Clothes
Andrew Hitchcock: History of the House of Rothschild
David Icke: website
Informer: Notes of Debt Are Not Income - Check Endorsements; Against the Grain Press; History of Lawful Tender
Alex Jones: Endgame, Blueprint for Government Enslavement; Infowars; Prison Planet
John Kaminski: 2nd Wave
Paul Kappel:
Sam Kennedy: Take No Prisoners audio archives
Johnny Liberty: Global Sovereign's Handbook
Willie Lynch: The Making of a Slave speech, 1712
Rick Martin: Black Pope: Most Powerful Man in the World?
Louis T. McFadden: Remarks in Congress on the Federal Reserve Corporation, 1934
Jack McLamb: How to Avoid the Draft; audio
Rob Menard: Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception, video; pdf (scroll down)
George Mercier: Invisible Contracts; pdf
Merrill: Are You Lost At Sea?
Francois Micheloud: John D. Rockefeller & the Standard Oil Company
Paul Andrew Mitchell: 31 Questions & Answers about the IRS
Eustace Mullins: pdf; Secrets of the Federal Reserve; another
Michael Nield: Police State Road Map
Albert Nock: Our Enemy, The State
Thomas Paine: Ageof Reason; Common Sense; The Crisis; On Freemasonry; The Rights of Man
Thelen Paulk: A Visitor from the Past
Paine's Torch: Grateful Slave
Edward Popp: Great Cookie Jar
Privacy World: website
Carroll Quigley: The Anglo-American Establishment selections
Ayn Rand: On Money
Wilhelm Reich: The Mass Psychology Of Fascism
Jeff Rense: Program
Fredric L. Rice: How to Disappear in America Without a Trace
David Allen Rivera: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order
Fred Rodell: Woe Unto You, Lawyers
Walter White, Jr.: Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview
Aaron Russo: Aaron Russo and Rockefeller, Microchip & 9/11; Russo & Nicholas Rockefeller; America - Freedom to Fascism
Ralph Schoenman: Hidden History of Zionism
Winston Shrout: Solutions in Commerce
Sovereignty Education & Defense Ministry SEDM; Forms
Lysander Spooner: A Defence for Fugitive Slaves; Constitution of No Authority; Letter to Bayard; Letter to Grover Cleveland; Natural Law; No Treason; Taxation; Trial By Jury; Unconstitutionality of Slavery; Vices Are Not Crimes; Frederick Mann: The Greatest Lawyer That Has Ever Been
Marc Stevens: Adventures In Legal Land
Sui Juris: downloads
Anthony C. Sutton: Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler
Sun Tzu: Art of War
Terra Libra staff: Commercial Liens: A Most Potent Weapon
Ticket Slayer: website
Tools for Freedom: website
Truth Radio: website
Hartford Van Dyke: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars; Van Dyke Letters
Claire Wolfe: Living the Outlaw Life; Freeing Your Inner Outlaw
AIDS: Alan Cantwell – Man-made Origin of AIDS; Cantwell - How & Why AIDS was Created; Cantwell - Secret Origin of AIDS
Aspartame: Formaldehyde in My Sweetener; My Aspartame Experiment
Banking: Banker's Manifesto of 1892; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago: Modern Money Mechanics; Introduction to Mathematically perfected Economy
Commerce & the UCC: Affidavit of Corporate Denial; Interpretive Writings on Redemption; Maxims of Commerce; Mastering the UCC; UCC Study Guide
Elite Controllers: Edward Mandell House quote; Global Elite: Who Are They?; Occult Technology of Power; Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; Ring of Power; Rothschild Dynasty; Zeitgeist, the Movie
Fluoride: Dees; Christopher Bryson – Fluoride Deception; Barbara Peterson – Don’t Swallow; Fluoride Accumulates in the Pineal Gland; Major Rudy; Perkins Letter
Government: 14 Signposts to Slavery; Anti-Government Movement Guidebook; Voter Registration attachment; Citizen's Guide to Using the Freedom of Information Act & the Privacy Act to Request Government Documents; Person; Police Use of Lies; Treatise on Government; Policy Manual (for Living Without a Social Security Number)
Income Taxes: Dear Fool; April 15th Ritual of the Enslaved; Exempt from Signing Perjury Statement; Federal & State Withholding Options for Private Employers; Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid; Galileo Paradigm; Good As Gold, trumping the IRS; Debunking IRS Lies; DOJ Criminal Tax Manual; IRS Chief Counsel Criminal Tax Bulletins; IRS Decoding Manual 6209-2003; IRS Organization Blueprint; IRS Pink Papers; IRS Tax Protesters Handbook; Nonresident Alien Position; Master File (MF) Decoder software; IMF Decoding; Report on the Tax Exempt Nature of Wages & Salaries; Tax Deposition Questions; State Income Taxes; "Trade or Business" scam; What to Do When the IRS Comes Knocking; Spirit of '43 - Donald Duck Sells Income Tax
Law: 7 Elements of Jurisdiction; Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1910; Citizen's Rule Book; Common Law Abatement; Jailhouse Lawyer's Handbook; Lawyer's Secret Oath; Jurisdictionary; Pro Se Handbook (Manual for Litigant Filing Without Counsel); Should I Hire An Attorney?
Mind Control: The Power of Suggestion; Bowart History of Mind Control; Sutphen - The Battle for Your Mind; How to Detect; Levy - The War on Consciousness; Forum Archives; Tietjen - Defending Against Mind Control; Cathy O'Brien Interview
Microchip: Mondex; Already here; FDA Approval; Agenda; Haggerty - A Generation; North American Union & VChip Truth
Male Circumcision: Library of Halexandria
MSG: Slow Poisoning of America
Notary Protest: Notary Certificate of Dishonor Process; Forms; Honor-Dishonor
Surveillance: Fusion Centers
Travel: USA Passport attachment; How to Apply as a "National"
Vaccines: Dees; Alan Cantwell – Vexing Over Vaccines; Hadwen – Fraud of Vaccination, 1923; Jon Rappaport interview of ex-vaccine researcher; Howenstine - Why Avoid Vaccines; Mercola - How to Legally Avoid Immunizations
Wizard of Oz: A Modern Day Parable; The Coded Movie, by Robert Kelly; Redemption In Law; Quentin P. Taylor: Money and Politics in the Land of Oz; famguardian; wikipedia
Underground Satellite; Pharmacratic Inquisition
Don Henley: Inside Job