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Caucus of the Future - January 2-3, 2008

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**UPDATE** 12.02.07

The Caucus of the Future will be held at the Drake Legal Clinic at 24th & University in Des Moines, Iowa [2400 University, Ave.].

In the next week we will have another update, including scheduled workshops/discussions and presentations, plus some other goodies. There’s still time to participate! If you’d like to teach a workshop, lead a discussion, play music or help out in other ways get in touch by filling out this form!

Also, check out the Downloads section for our new poster to spread wide and far.


The Caucus of the Future will take place January 2nd & 3rd, 2008 in Des Moines, Iowa, running concurrently with the Iowa Caucuses. Our goal is to dream up and practice the many ways we can take power out of the hands of those who claim to represent our interests, be they elected or unelected, and redistribute it to everyone through a network of free communities and neighborhoods. Through workshops, discussions and performances, the Caucus of the Future will provide a forum for exchanging alternative ideas that are based on mutual aid and cooperation. Patrons of the Caucus will share skills and resources with each other, demonstrating the many ways we can make a difference in our own lives, with or without casting a vote. We do not do this to gain control over others, but to attain control together—over how we provide each other with shelter, education, art, and information, over how we resolve conflicts, over how we share resources and ideas, over how we determine our own lives.

It should be noted that we do not wish to dissuade folks from participating in the Iowa Caucuses–rather, we want to present a more direct approach to solving problems. The Caucus of the Future will have something for everyone, so be sure to participate! Oh, and it will also be a ridiculous amount of fun!!


We will be providing participants of the event with a Caucus of the Future Guide that will list all of the speakers, workshops and performaces and the times they will be held. In addition, we will have that information on this site as things come into fruition.

Some workshops and discussions you can expect to see might include: Alternative Energy/Fuel, Sustainable Agriculture/Permaculture, Alternative Media, Direct Action, Self-Defense, Folk History, Bicycle Repair, Community Gardening, Consent, Gift Economics, Urban Exploration, Community Organizing, Alternative Education, and much more.

The Caucus of the Future will provide a festive atmosphere with free organic vegetarian food and beverages, and performances by musicians and artists.


If you wish to participate in the Caucus of the Future [give a workshop, leading a discussion, performance, etc], head on over to the Get Involved section and fill out the form. It’s important that we have a diverse mix of workshops, skillshares and speakers so we can keep this an all inclusive event; which is to say, please participate if you can!


Democracy—Three wolves and six goats are discussing what to have for dinner. One courageous goat makes an impassioned case: “We should put it to a vote!” The other goats fear for his life, but surprisingly, the wolves acquiesce. But when everyone is preparing to vote, the wolves take three of the goats aside. “Vote with us to make the other three goats dinner,” they threaten. “Otherwise, vote or no vote, we’ll eat you.”

The other three goats are shocked by the outcome of the election: a majority, including their comrades, has voted for them to be killed and eaten. They protest in outrage and terror, but the goat who first suggested the vote rebukes them: “Be thankful you live in a democracy! At least we got to have a say in this!”