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Identify The Enemies of the American Revolution in the 21st Centruy & Eradicate Them

Tom Heneghan

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ajor contributors to Hillary republican-lesbian-in-the-closet Rodenhurst Clinton.

It is so bad that Sean Hannity and weasel Newt Gingrich have endorsed the pro-war Clinton .

Don't be fooled folks. Newsweek's scumbags Jonathan Alter and John Meacham follow my postings around the clock.

Fact NOT Fiction: Private DNC polls show duly elected President Albert Gore, Jr. with a 3 to 1 lead over all of his alleged democratic party opponents and a 12 and 6 point lead over Giuliani and McCain, respectively.

Reference, Fact NOT Fiction: An L.A. Times poll, recently embargoed, shows McCain at 50% and Hillary at 36%.

Newsweek, a corporate entity of 9/11 compromised British MI6 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. wants to rig the 2008 presidential election so as to pave the way for the republican nominee by selecting either unelectable democrat Hillary or unelectable democrat Obama.

AGAIN, no democrat since 1964 has been elected president that does not come from the American South.

As for the western strategy does anyone really believe Hillary or Obama could carry a Rocky Mountain red state.

Are you listening John Harwood?

Media continues to protect unelectable Rodenhurst Clinton

Item: Hillary will have a serious problem in releasing her medical records.

Fact NOT Fiction: Rodenhurst Clinton engages in "closet" lesbian sex on a weekly basis.

And it gets worse.

Like former democratic vice presidential candidate Tom Eagleton, Rodenhurst has received electric shock treatments for periods of depression.

She also receives regular injections of Prozac and, of course, is a walking, talking sexual terrorist armed with a serious infection of herpes administered to her by White House prostitute Susan.

P.S. Question: Who is paying for all of these bogus polls and Hillary-Obama propaganda?

Answer: The funds stolen from the U.S. Treasury aka the disbursements to investor Leo Wanta from the Reagan-Mitterrand-Wanta protocols.

Note: Both Hillary and Mossad stooge Chuck Schumer, democrat of New York , along with 9/11 co-conspirator Condoleeza Rice, have restricted U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson from releasing the funds.

P.P.S. Remember the Hillary-Obama scheme is a New York-Illinois 9/11 bridge designed to cover the tracks of the September 11th Chicago - New York financially compromised thugs.

Instead of dealing with the Iraq war issue in Iowa , Rodenhurst Clinton says she will deck her opponents. Really! It sounds like what Hillary did to JFK Jr. when he was about to run for the senatorial seat in New York that Rodenhurst coveted.

P.P.P.S. Hey Hillary! I hear Tipper Gore wants to go 15 rounds with you. Don't you want a re-match?

Note: Tipper decked Rodenhurst Hillary in the White House in 1993 when lesbian-in-the-closet Hillary decorated the White House Christmas tree with homosexual and lesbian ornaments.

Accordingly, as with King George III of England and the Bourban and Romanov monarchies of France and Russia and now the aristocratic Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate it is important to identify the enemies of the American Revolution in the 21st Century and ERADICATE THEM!

And, of course, when all is said and done, Albert Gore Jr. remains the duly elected, non-inaugurated President of the United States .

House Christmas tree with homosexual and lesbian ornaments.



NEW YORK STATE, HILLARY, SCHUMER, BUSHFRAUD, MOSSAD CRIME WAVE CONTINUES 222794707&MyToken=1cd2306e-f970-4360-90f2-6664d2e089fc

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