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Skolnick - Coca-Cola, The CIA & The Courts - Part 14

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To sidestep the geopolitical problems in investigating this situation, the FBI, instead, saw fit to try to blame the anthrax mess on someone else, apparently not really involved.

Apparently contaminated, or possibly so, with weaponized anthrax or similar, powder leaking from envelopes were in the offices of media bigshots; Congress; the Supreme Court of the United States; as well as one or more major U.S. Post Office facilities.

It was the perfect excuse to violate the U.S. Constitution's mandate of "Separation of Powers". Already illegally in existence, with no Charter, the FBI, together with the newly setup Homeland Security, both supposedly of the Executive branch of the U.S. central Government, took command of the Supreme Court of the United States, plainly part of the Judicial branch of the Government.

They decided who, if anyone, would be permitted in person, by U.S. Mail, or other transportation ways, to communicate with those in the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States. For that purpose, a remote warehouse was used. All mail, packages, and such, would have to go there, under the absolute examination and supervision of Homeland Security and FBI, secretly or otherwise.

With the connivance of Court clerks and employes inside the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as those in the remote warehouse and enroute to the headquarters building; it was a perfect obstruction of justice scheme.

(2) Running on a parallel track, with apparent knowledge of the first group, was a group of investigative reporters of Vanity Fair Magazine. Without mentioning the first group by name or detail, the Magazine group starting many months before the 2004 Presidential Election, was to start to divulge some of their work for the October 2004 monthly issue of Vanity Fair, set to be distributed and circulated about September 27th, just a few weeks before the Election.

Both the first and second group were in a position to know that some of the "Gang of Five" judges in Bush versus Gore, had complained to the FBI and Homeland Security, some of the following:

(a) each of the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States typically has five law clerks who look up prior decisions, write or assist to write decisions on pending matters, and prepare the decisions to be printed in the printing plant historically contained within the headquarters building.

The law clerks are pledged to absolute secrecy. After serving several years as a high court law clerk, they can usually expect to be hired by a big bucks lawfirm at a salary of some two hundred thousand dollars a year. Not something to be lightly thrown away with little consideration of the consequences.

For the first time in the history of the high court, some of the law clerks of some of the four dissenting judges in Bush versus Gore, at great danger to themelves and their later careers, went public. They spoke to the reporters of Vanity Fair and others. They told how Justice Antonin Scalia, a Fascist-inclined Judge of the "Gang of Five", was "Hell bent" on stopping the crucial Florida recount of the ballots, with Florida being the necessary vote to put the winner over the top for the necessary Electoral College vote. Scalia was Hell bent on stopping Gore from becoming President-Elect; so was Chief Justice Rehnquist and O'Connor, both telling friends they cannot, as they planned, retire if Gore gets elected.

The law clerks often work late, long after the Justices have left for the day; such as the night before release of a decision. So the law clerks have all the keys to the place. According to Antonin Scalia and others of the Five, some of the law clerks of the Four swiped private papers from various locked drawers of the Five; some of these papers related to handwritten type notes of the Five to some of the Four making threats by some of the Five that could or would constitute federal criminal offenses, threatening a federal government official. According to some law clerks of the Four, Scalia tried every dirty trick to stop John Paul Stevens from having time enough to write a Dissenting Opinion in Bush versus Gore.

Some of these details got into the October 2004 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine. Other details were revealed on a forty-minute segment on National Public Radio on the Terry Gross Show interviewing one of the magazine's reporters. Such as that Antonin Scalia strong-armed one of the Four dissenting Judges in Bush versus Gore to remove a revealing footnote from their separate Dissenting Opinion.

Right after the Vanity Fair publishing their report, one or more law review articles condemned the law clerks who broke the pledge of silence. Various Judges and law clerks of other courts howled against the law clerks of the Four dissenting Judges in Bush versus Gore. The law clerks for the dissenters, defending themselves against being condemned by others of the Bench and the Bar, stated that the serious offenses committed by the Five Judge Majority in Bush versus Gore, released the law clerks from their pledge of secrecy.

FBI and Homeland Security sped up their persistent spying on the Four Dissenting Judges and their law clerks, harassing them in various devilish ways. FBI and Homeland Security claim that the ring leader of the Four is Justice John Paul Stevens and that somehow, through intermediaries he communicates with those outside the headquarters building of the high court. Stevens has reportedly been accused of being a part of a plot to Overthrow the U.S. central government by discrediting the Supreme Court of the United States by profound scandal because Five, of the Nine, on the Court are accused of corrupt acts and doings in Bush versus Gore.

Some at FBI and Homeland Security have raised the question that Sherman H. Skolnick is part of this plot.

To understand more about this, refer to the entire series, "Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts", parts 1 through 13 inclusive. In particular study the court documents attached to Part 9 and the document about the Secret Court in Part 10.

Set out below is, verbatim, a related document. The letter dated "5/7/2004", mentioned therein, .. once thought to be an erroneous date pre-dating the sending of the packages is actually revealing and apparently not erroneous. That date was supposed to have been a secret and apparently refers to the date on or about which the law clerks for some of the dissenting judges in Bush versus Gore somehow latched onto certain records of Justice Antonin Scalia proving his corruption and criminality in the litigation where he was the so-called team leader of the five-judge majority. Does that qualify as a magnificient blunder by the cover up specialists?

More coming. Stay tuned.
