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Haaretz's Rosner: Israel Factor: Ranking of 26 US Presidential Candidates

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-- no mention of Ron Paul

about Hillary: The Senator for New York and former First Lady supports moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

about Giuliani: "The former New York mayor returned a $10 million donation from a Saudi prince after 9/11 following his comments on Israel." [How noble for a Mayor of New York (all those Jewish voters) to turn down Saudi aid for victims -- while victims families were strung out, not getting any of the aid the nation and world were pouring in, until they agreed to million dollar settlements if they wave their right to sue Silverman or Giuliani etc. for 9-11.]

McCain: The Arizona Senator believes America must give Israel whatever equipment and technology it needs for defense.

Edwards: "The Arizona Senator believes America must give Israel whatever equipment and technology it needs for defense."