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God's Anointed One Was Elected- Be Afraid

By James Neff

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along with the gay marriage ban! I have been rejoicing since Bush's (the good Lord aboves Win!) victory. He is a family and moral man and believes in the sanctity of marriage, honesty, anti-choice/pro life. He is going back to the beliefs of our founding fathers of the U.S.A.

Of course since God is with Bush the world hates him because they don't want to turn to the bible and away from their vile-sinful lifestyles that are abominable to God. Jesus was hated by the world too. Doesn't it make since when you are born again TRULY through the blood of Christ the world would hate you too? Well, that is Bush. Wake-up. Bush sincerely cares about this nation because he has the love of God living within him. So, it is ones choice to accept Christ or not. If not they send themselves to hell by living in opposition to Gods rule. Don't blame him.

God Bless,

(Name removed)


If your mouth is not hanging open, it should be. Reading this, whether you are a Christian or non-Christian, should turn your blood cold as ice.

What you have just read demonstrates how powerfully these people in Washington, in cooperation with media, tele-evangelists, right wing pundits and authors, and even local ministers, have through outrageous polarization created mindless, belief-driven drones who clearly have lost all ability to discern true good from true evil.

They have completely abandoned the warnings of Christ regarding false Christ's, false prophets and those who would 'come in His name', accepting them as genuine God-chosen leaders, with the perfect blend of psychotic nationalism and fundamentalism that can only lead to serious disaster. These people are fully convinced and persuaded that George Bush and the political party they lay claim to is just one step from holy; special, set apart from the sinful world and sinful, evil "democrats" "independents" and other Satanic non-republican/NeoCons, chosen by God, led by God, and most specifically, ordained by Jesus Christ, Himself.

They are so polarized that, as the letter above reveals, they truly believe the political opposition to be either evil, of the devil or somehow backed by Satan and clearly rejected by God. The writer of the letter sees George Bush as the hand picked man of God to lead America; even the world.

It makes me wonder what she thought of President Clinton, who was also apparently chosen by God; in fact, over Pat Robertson, a minister of the Gospel!

This is so close to worship that it is quite scary. This person is no longer making political evaluations based on facts or reality, but upon a new Christian faith suited just for US politics, created and formulated by NeoCons and others. Their Jesus is clearly not the Jesus of scripture, but a new Jesus, and Bush is His Pope.

The new Jesus is a warlord, who calls upon his earthly minions to smite evil -- whereas the Jesus of scripture says the exact opposite. The new Jesus desires to see government conformed to Christianity -- whereas the Jesus of scripture had no regard for earthly goverment, neither did any of his Apostles seek to change government.

The new Jesus believes in killing for peace, whereas the Jesus of scripture called for self-sacrifice over all, and never doing harm to another, even when wronged. The new Jesus is clearly a capitalist and favors corporate America over all -- whereas the Jesus of scripture held no reguard for business or profit making whatsoever, but gave freely and taught his followers to do likewise.

These NeoChristians have so lost their way that they represent a perfect picture of everything the prophets, Christ and the Apostles warned about regarding the seductive power of evil in the likeness of good, "for do not marvel, that Satan comes as an angel of light and his ministers as ministers of the paths of righteousness." They are the perfect example of how easy it will be for the forth coming Antichrist to bring about what Paul called "a great falling away" from the faith, when the man of sin is revealed. Through a false peace, and promise of security, he will destroy the many.

The George Bush this woman has placed her faith in to such an enormous degree is the same George Bush who, while claiming to be a Christian, put to death Carla Faye Tucker, who asked only that her death sentenced be changed to life in prison, so that she could continue her prison ministry for Christ, which she had labored over for 14 years while behind bars for a crime she committed while in drug-induced stupor as a teenager. The same George Bush who saw fit to silence the voice of the Gospel of salvation in Christ through Carla via execution, claiming he could not even stay her execution, much less commute her sentence to life in prison. The same George Bush who turned right around and stayed the execution of serial killer and sexual predator Henry Lee Lucas, allowing him to live out his life in prison and die of natural causes behind bars, while doing numerous television interviews and flaunting his grinning, Satanic face for media-hogs lapping up the blood of his sordid tales of rape, mutilation and murder.

Her reasoning is beyond comprehension. The world hates George Bush, so he MUST be approved by God, because Jesus was also hated by the world. This kind of twisted rationale is precisely the kind of retarded pablum being served in Churches and on Christian television across the nation to the ignorant and gullible. The disdain for Bush comes from him being so like Jesus. It sounds like something Sean Hannity might actually spout, with a straight face. It's enough to make one vomit.

The mass murderer Pol Pot was hated by the world, ipso facto, he MUST have been approved of God and doing the right thing. If this is the level of discernment and intellect NeoChristianity is creating in the sheeple, there is going to be serious hell to pay. Christians worth their salt and aware had better take these poor brothers and sisters aside and do everything they can to unscramble their poor brains, before it's too late.

Whether one believes in the prophets or not, the letter above is a chilling reminder of just how unhinged and divorced from reality well meaning people can be taken, with just the right finely tuned influences and forces. Every thinking Christian should distance him or herself openly, vocally, loudly and clearly from everything and anything having to do with this psychotic ilk, not only for the sake of Christ, but for the sake of the nation.
