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"Hero" Giuliani...the Smiling Viper...

David Icke

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rs were attacked. As one headline put it: 'Giuliani To Run For President of 9/11'. The truth about 'hero' Giuliani is, however, very different, as we shall see.

He was born in Brooklyn into a Roman Catholic family of Italian immigrants. His father, Harold, spent time in New York's Sing Sing Prison for assault and robbery, and apparently collected debts for his brother-in-law, the Mafia-connected Leo D'Avanzo. Giuliani was given a thoroughly Catholic 'education' through school and college, and Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins, links him to the Jesuit Order. This certainly fits the picture of Giuliani's career and his desire to contest the presidency.

The Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, with their sun worship logo, operate in the highest echelons of the Illuminati, or rather their leaders do. It is the Jesuit leadership that controls the Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus in North America, and works closely with another secret order of the Roman Church, Opus Dei, which was created by Jesuits. The alleged rivalry between the two is a diversion.

The Society of Jesus was the creation of Ignatius Loyola, who was born at the Castle of Loyola in the Basque province of Guipúzcoa in Spain in 1491. He and a group of associates founded the Order in 1537 and it was given papal approval in 1540. From there, it expanded its influence until it reached its present status as one of the most powerful secret societies on earth.

Loyola became the first Jesuit Superior General, also known as the 'Father General', and today that post is held by Count Hans Kolvenbach. The Jesuit chief in the United States is Archbishop Edward Cardinal Egan, Kolvenbach's 'branch manager' in New York, and a friend of Giuliani. The Jesuit Order is the spider in the centre of an intricate web of secret societies that includes the Mafia.

The front men and women of the Jesuit network are always two-faced, because they have to be. One face, the public one, smiles bonhomie and presents an image that will attract votes and support. The other is the scowling face of the genetic manipulator and deceiver, for whom there are no limits in pursuit of power. Bill and Hillary Clinton are notable examples, and Bill was educated at the Jesuit-controlled Georgetown University. Whether someone is a Roman Catholic or not is irrelevant. The Jesuits control the Church of Rome, which is the present-day Church of Babylon, and its influence stretches far beyond Roman Catholicism.

Giuliani has blatantly revealed his obligatory two faces with regard to 9/11. The public one is as the brave and caring hero, covered in dust, who acted with wisdom as the horror unfolded. The other is the face of a callous self-server who will walk over anyone to get what he wants.

He has so many questions to answer about what he actually did that September day in 2001, and in the weeks and months that followed. Former German Defence Minister and intelligence expert, Andreas Von Bülow, believes that the World Trade Center Building 7 was a command bunker used to orchestrate the attacks. It was Giuliani who ordered a $13 million command centre to be installed on the 23rd floor of Building 7, when expert advice said it should be located further away.

It was designed to respond to emergencies like terrorist attacks and it was lost when Building 7 was destroyed in a controlled demolition in the late afternoon of September 11th. Von Bülow called it the 'optimal place' to orchestrate the attacks: 'There were two procedures, one was flying in the aircraft, the second was the explosions', he said. Von Bülow says that Building 7 was 'pulled' to destroy the evidence of what happened.

Giuliani has also since admitted that he was warned about the imminent collapse of the World Trade Center South Tower. That's interesting, because no-one else was. Why would he be warned that it was likely to come down when it was the first skyscraper in history to collapse in this way without a controlled demolition and took everyone by surprise? Shortly before the building collapsed, fire-fighters near the point of impact reported only small fires that could swiftly be dealt with. In fact, of course, it was brought down by a controlled demolition and the only people who knew it was going to happen were insiders who knew the plan.

It was Giuliani who ordered the steel girders and rubble to be removed from the World Trade Center site as quickly as possible, much of it sold to the Far East. This prevented examination of the evidence to establish for certain what caused the towers to fall. Fire Engineering magazine said that 'structural damage from the planes and explosive ignition of jet fuels were not enough in themselves to bring down the towers', and it demanded that 'the destruction and removal of evidence be stopped immediately'. But, it made no difference, because destruction of the evidence was the whole idea and the order came through Giuliani, today's would-be president.

The fire-fighters' union, the International Association of Fire-fighters (IAFF), has been in bitter dispute with Giuliani over his actions before, during and after 9/11. So much so, that he pulled out of a scheduled appearance at an IAFF 'presidential forum', because he knew what a hostile reception he would get.

The IAFF's Jeff Zack says that the image of Giuliani as a 9/11 hero is false and far from the truth. The fire-fighters' anger stems from Giuliani's 'despicable role' in stopping them from searching for the remains of their dead comrades when there was still a possibility that more could be found. Jeff Zack says:

There were a number of issues over which our fire-fighters had severe disagreements with the mayor prior to September 11th, and then his actions following that horrific day where he made the decision to pull fire-fighters off the pile from searching for citizens and fire-fighters that lost their lives, and he went to a full, what we call, 'scoop and dump', where he was just taking all what he determined was trash, putting it on a barge and sending it to Fresh Kills landfill.

Well ... what he called trash contained the remains of thousands of citizens, hundreds of fire-fighters, and we felt that the families of those people deserved some sort of closure and some sort of dignified recovery process because they were innocent victims.

Giuliani said that it was unsafe to continue to search for the victims' remains, but he had never considered this an issue before he called a halt. More than that, they had been allowed to breathe air full of toxic particles while Giuliani's operation and the Federal government told them it was safe when they knew that it wasn't. This has led to death and serious illness for many fire-fighters who breathed in the poisons day after day. Jeff Zack said there was another reason why Giuliani's order to stop searching came when it did:

The real reason was that the Bank of Nova Scotia's assets were buried in that rubble ... the day they got those assets out of that pile, Rudy shut the pile down, said 'everybody off, we're going to full scoop and dump' ... It was gold, it was silver, it was other assets. I've seen a lot of numbers too. I don't have an exact one, so I don't wanna give it to you ... Our fire-fighters were on the pile helping excavate the gold as well. Our problem is that all Rudy cared about at the end of the day was the gold bricks, not the lives and the memories of those that were the true heroes that day.

Half the fire-fighters on the Ground Zero site were ordered to leave and denied further access the day after it was reported that $200 million in gold bullion had been recovered. Giuliani's reptilian mind sees only power and the acquisition of wealth - everything else is irrelevant or, at best, incidental. This is a man who charged $100,000 for speaking at a tsunami fundraising event and insists that anyone requiring his services as a self-serving 'orator' must fly him to the location in a private jet - 'must be a Gulfstream 4 or bigger', his contract insists.

He also set up a company to take advantage of his image of '9/11 hero' called Giuliani Partners. It is a management consulting firm and blatantly uses September 11th to sell its 'advice'. Some reports have put its annual income at some $100 million. It has employed some of Giuliani's old buddies at City Hall, including former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik. Giuliani was warned about Kerik's seedy connections with a company called Interstate Industrial Corp, which has suspected links to organised crime, before he appointed him head of New York police. In 2004, he even recommended Kerik to be US Secretary of Homeland Security. The story ended, as it was always going to, with Kerik pleading guilty to accepting gifts from Interstate Industrial Corp while it was seeking contracts from City Hall. New York fire-fighters' spokesman, Jeff Zack, summed up the real Rudolph Giuliani:

Rudy Giuliani has made millions and millions of dollars off of 9/11, and the story he likes to tell about 9/11, and he has used those millions of dollars, and those speeches around the country, to build up this image that he was a hero that day, and in the days following. As far as the fire-fighters of New York are concerned he is anything but a hero.

You should really be skeptical about someone who calls themselves a hero. Who spends millions and millions of dollars after the fact, building up an image as an American hero when, in fact, if you go back and look at what really happened that day, and what the real heroes of that day really think of Rudy Giuliani, that's the true measure of who Rudy really is. Rudy's onion will continue to be peeled and America will learn the true character and who Rudy Giuliani really is.'

Giuliani's 9/11 fairytale also won him the title of Time magazine's 'Person of the Year' and led to an honorary knighthood from the reptile queen in the UK. These knighthoods to American citizens are rarely given and always go to Illuminati insiders. Two other recipients have been Henry Kissinger and Father George Bush, so case proven. All this, for what one writer described as doing little more than holding a few press conferences on 9/11 without wetting his pants.

Now, he is using his fake image from that day to sell himself as the next president. He is way ahead of any other would-be Republican candidate and could well win the nomination. To be selected to run for the Republicans you have to hate the right people, and to run for the Democrats you have to say you love the right people. Giuliani hates in nearly all the right places and, given that, the stalwart Republicans will forgive him almost anything else. This is just as well because, as with his likely opponent in 2008, Hillary Clinton, he doesn't just have skeletons in the cupboard, he has them in every wardrobe, closet and drawer. Even the fridge isn't safe.

It will eventually become obvious who is the chosen one. The more Americans are manipulated by events to believe they need a 'strong leader', who is good in a crisis, the better the chances for Giuliani. The more the Bush Republican years are portrayed as an incompetent, mendacious, disaster, the better it will be for Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrats go for.

But, as always, the strings attached to both will be held by the same fingers. Giuliani or Clinton? It really doesn't matter, unless you have a preference between crooks.