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The Lesser Of Two Evils: Bush or Kerry?

Bush or Kerry?

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Act Two of the Republicrat National Convention approaches. The quadrennial charade is almost upon us. As always, the judas goats whose job it is to keep patriots in the corral are dusting off the argument that has worked so well since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary.

This year’s adaptation goes like this: Yes, Bush does endorse abortion and gun confiscation, he has supervised the most spending and the biggest expansion of government in the history of the nation, he is colluding with foreigners to perpetrate the invasion from Mexico and the destruction of our independence, et cetera and so on, but – but – but, Bush is only three months pregnant. He is the "lesser of two evils."

Yes, Bush isn’t perfect, we admit that, but Kerry is six months pregnant, and the only way to stop him is to vote for Bush. Besides, you have nowhere else to go. The conspirators waiting to hit you in the head on your way into the abattoir have used some variant of this argument for decades.

I remember wondering as long ago as the Eisenhower Administration why it was that, whoever was elected, the policy was the same. The ship of state still kept the same heading. The only things that changed were the style and terminology. I remember asking people why that was. No one I knew at the time knew. Of course, I was working at NBC in New York then, so everyone I knew was as ignorant and stupid as I was.

Here is what I didn’t know. Among the tools employed by the Marxist traitors who are conspiring to submerge us in a totalitarian socialist world government, is dialectical materialism. The conspirators who use it are consummately realistic. They know they will face opposition and that the opposition will intensify the closer they come to their goal.

They know they can’t wish it away. So, in politics, they apply the dialectical process to control both parties. With control of both parties, they don’t care who wins. For instance, in Philip Dru: Administrator, Edward M. House, who wrote that he was working for "Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx, and later founded the Marxist Council on Foreign Relations, explained the technique.

House wrote that the "conspiracy" – the word is his – would seize control of both parties at the primary level, where it would nominate its own men. The candidates could then fight it out, which ensured that the most vicious, the most psychopathic of the parties and candidates would win.

Carroll Quigley said almost the same thing in Tragedy and Hope, the book its own publisher suppressed when patriots discovered and bought it. Bill Drop Your Pants Clinton paid homage to Quigley in his inaugural address, but the media scum did not bother doing a sidebar to tell the sheep who he was.

The experts tell us that if you keep getting the same result when you do the same thing, but you keep doing it expecting to get something different – if you don’t change your behavior to conform to what cause and effect teach – then you are probably insane. Are you insane?

We fell for the con in the Eisenhower Administration. We were not insane yet. We just didn’t know any better. We fell for it with Nixon, who left our men behind in the Nam and committed other crimes, with Ford, who made a career out of being a nonentity and with Reagan, who merged our schools with the "Evil Empire’s." But today?

Today, after George Bush I, of the C.F.R. and its foreign ministry, the Trilateral Commission, who in speech after speech has lauded what he calls "the new world order?" Today, after George II, who has done all the things we mentioned at the top of this piece and many more? No. After a while, however dumb he is, a man will realize – if he is sane – that a kick in the head is reality knocking at the door.

But despite all this maybe Bush really is the "lesser of two evils." If so, wouldn’t we sink slower with him on the bridge than with Lieutenant Kerry? Wouldn’t we at least get more time? I’m glad you asked. Which one of these candidates is really the "lesser of two evils?"

Notice that with every one of the Republicans we have mentioned in office, the conspiracy for world government has gotten away with things it would not dare attempt with the Democrats. The media scum the conspirators employ have created an utterly phony Republican reputation for patriotism and probity, with the result that when a Republican is elected, the patriots celebrate and go fishing.

The patriots know what the Democrats are, know that with a Democrat in the White House there are more Hollyweird pukes, bigger scandals, more interns on their knees inhaling cigars, more outright Communist traitors like Hanoi John Kerry (D.-Vietnam), so, when the Democrats are in office, patriots put away the fishing poles and oppose all these things.

They don’t know, because the Communist media don’t tell them, that while Kerry is a Communist traitor, Bush is a world government traitor, on the same treason team. The left Communist media – the Communist Broadcasting System, the Communist News Network, etc. – keep the people enthralled by demeaning Republicans and partying with Hollyweird pukes.

The right Communist media – Hannity, Limbaugh (talent on loan from the Republicon National Committee), etc. – talk up the Republicons and explain away their socialist peccadilloes. It is truly embarrassing to hear Limbaugh, who has been completely compromised by (prescription) drugs and money, twist himself into a pretzel to excuse the latest Republican Communist gaffe. It is like watching a man humiliate himself in public.

Again, the idea is to keep patriots pacified until the time is right to exterminate them, the time at which the velvet gloves will come off. Now ask yourself whether Gore could have gotten away with what George II has done. Could Gore have convinced the Congress – controlled by Republicans – to spend as much as Bush has?

Would a Republican Congress have allowed Gore to perpetrate the present invasion of our country via Mexico, an invasion that constitutes the population replacement the Communist UN says is genocide? Would a Republican Congress have allowed Gore to appoint even more known sodomites to top jobs than Clinton did?

We are told that when all is said and done, we must vote for Bush because of the judges, but regular readers will recall that Bush typically caved on the judges in a smelly deal with the Democrats. On and on it goes. Aside from superficial, cosmetic changes, we are worse off in many respects with Bush than we would have been with Gore, and certainly no better off.

Indeed, compare Bush to Clinton. Who spent more? Who gave us more war? Yes, Clinton is a traitor, but hasn’t Bush continued and expanded his treason? Hillaroid could not impose her Fascist "health" scheme. Bush did it for her. The big difference is that, as far as we know, Bush does not rape women in hotel rooms, or drop his pants and ask for sex.

So, it is perfectly reasonable to argue that Communist traitor Kerry is the "lesser of two evils." I am not – not – not suggesting you vote for him. I am reassuring you that if you elect to vote for someone other than Bush and Kerry, you don’t need to worry that you are "throwing away" your vote and that something bad will happen. Something bad will happen whatever you do.

In the old days, people got into the Republican Party to "change things." I have done so myself. Republican leaders put them to work walking precincts, making telephone calls and raising money. When they tried to change things, the Republican leaders stuck knives in their backs. Republican world government traitors have been doing this for 50 years.

In 1952, those traitors sabotaged Senator Robert Taft, and gave us Soviet front man Dwight Eisenhower. It was the Republican Party that defeated Barry Goldwater. Ronald Reagan stabbed conservative Republicans in the back when he chose George I as running mate. The Republican Party gives Dr. Ron Paul of Texas no support. Bush political commissar Karl Rove has been searching for a way to defeat Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo. How many times must you be hit in the head?

Again, the purpose of the scam is to keep you docile until it is too late to protest, until you no longer can do so. The "war on terror" and the "Patriot Acts" tell us that too late could come soon. The Republicans themselves began as a third party. A big vote now for a third party – deserting the Republicans – would send the message that the sheep have broken out of the corral, that the fifty-year-old scam is over.

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Alan Stang has been a network radio talk show host and was one of Mike Wallace's first writers. He was a senior writer for American Opinion magazine and has lectured around the world for more than 30 years. He is also the author of ten books, including, most recently, Perestroika Sunset, surrounding our Government's deception in the POW/MIA arena. If you would like him to address your group, please email what you have in mind. He is a regular columnist for Ether Zone.

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Published in the August 27, 2004 issue of Ether Zone.

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