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Political Whore Alert From Tom Heneghan

Tom Teneghan

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friend Matthews had pedophile James Baker III (Republican) endorsing Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton for President.

Note: It can now be reported to Matthews that NBC General Electric has been linked to Yang Enterprises and Chinese software programs that are tied to the stolen Year 2000 Presidential election i.e. the overthrow of Albert Gore's Presidential election.

Joe Klein of Time Magazine is now promoting NWO stooge Barach Obama as a Presidential candidate.

Obama, Hillary's firewall, is again tied to massive money launderings and narcotics and arms dealing tied to Dennis Hassert and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Obama, also conspired with then Illinois Democratic Speaker of the House in the Year 2000 to remove motor voter rolls from the Illinois Registrars office in advance of the Year 2000 Election. This was all done to benefit Bushfraud.

Item: Joe Klein of Time Magazine, a MOSSAD asset, is tied to the cover up of the Bush Clinton True Colors assassination teams which murdered William Colby and of course assassinated John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1998 before he could publish True Colors in George Magazine and of course before JFK Jr. could run for office and stop Hillary from becoming a Senator.

Klein was also aware of the attempt to assassinate then VP Albert Gore over Chicago in 1998. The assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. and the attempt on Albert Gore was a True Colors program to clear the field for Hillary in New York and Bushfraud without a real opponent.

How Dare You? You Tyrants and Conspiratorial Queens.

PS - It is important to note that both John Edwards (D. SC) and Wesley Clark (tied to True Colors Assassination teams) are both bi-sexual and not telling the American people. In fact Clark who just got a $75,000 check from George Soros has been linked to homosexual sex with his students while he was an instructor at West Point.

Again still developing, Kurt Weldon (R. Penn) a Bush boss hog stooge, has been tied to an overseas meeting with Mancher Ghobanifar, an Iranian MOSSAD double agent. Subject of discussion, Turkey, planted WMD, and French cables and intercepts which warned the Bush Administration about the 9-11 Attack. Again Story Developing.