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Fort Worth Straw Poll

Granny Warrior

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marks of a Fascist Regime and a staged event to discredit only one man. Ron Paul. His people from San Antonio had registered online and gotten a receipt saying registration at 10 AM. The busload was there but the registrars grabed their paper work and left the tables at exactly 10 AM saying the registration ENDED at 10. They refused to allow that busload of folks into the voting area. YET... just a few moments later another group showed up that were not Paul supporters and were ushered in by the back door. Yes that was documented and photographed. Gov. Rick Perry had the audacity to say via video ( too chicken to appear in person) that Texas has no candidate in the presidential race ! who the hell does he think Ron Paul is?

The speakers were all pro war, seems like if you don't want to stay there and keep on dying for the Bush empire you are not a good American and do not support our troups. Well folks I support our troups enough I want them to come home and quit dying for Profit for the powers that be. To fight a war is one thing to be caretakers for the profit of the elite is quite another. I am truly ashamed to say I am a Republican. It is time to quit voting and supporting a party but look at the man, check his background and voting record, who has he aligned himself with, how many times has he changed his stance on a bill or vote? There is only one that has a solid 20 year record with no flip floping, never took any lobby money, never been bought by corporations and has stated many times his platform. NEVER CHANGES... To see the video of the actual supporters being turned away from voting at this straw poll watch this: =YDnWT4gCJSE

Stop worrying about being a Democrat or Republican or Libertarian.. Simply vote the man, vote American. Vote for our Constitution, Vote for our Freedom and Soverign Nation not a North American Union as is being planned by Fred Thompson and his fellow CFR members, who by the way most of the candidates belong to except Dr. Paul.

Now for the fun part:

The convention center and our re flection in the glass . We got a super spot which we had been told was impossilble to use by the Republican party. Oh yes we were even refused a parking space in the Free RV parking at the center, we were told it was reserved for the press, but only after they saw the RV. A day later the lot was still empty and some friends went in after removing their Ron Paul signs and were happily admitted to the parking area staying there all week. Any way we parked illegally right in front of the Hotel where the concert and rally were taking place. Jean came out and kept quiet obout us being there as I am sure there would have been some heated words between the supporters and staff had we been asked to leave. They were not happy to have the Ron Paul RV right in front for the world to see. Right next to the Liberty Bell whose owner pulled up to make room for us at the space. Those are great folks and if you ever get a chance to actually see this bell go as it is awesome to both see and hear.

That is some of the Republican Party planners with the Liberty Bell and you can see the Freedom Wagon is directly behind which they did not particurlarly like. Then that is Karen getting her chance to ring the Bell, what a sound it is wonderful.

While the concert was going on a spry gentleman sent word to us that he wanted a photo with the Grannys, Surprised we found out it was Ron's older brother. Wayne Paul. We are laughing as he had just said he liked older women. He was a breath of fresh air just like his baby brother. I asked him how he liked being brother to a Rock Star and he said he didn't mind too much but Ron needed to practice his entrance a little more. The Paul family are all wonderful people with a novel sense of humor and humility. I have yet to meet one that was not instantlly adored.

Our Hero arrives and as usual without the many security guards and openly happy to see his supporters. I know that man must have such a sore arm after one of these things. No hand goes unshaken. His manner is so down to earth and real, no phony little quips just a solid hello and glad to see you. Many people worry about his safety and so did I until I finally realized, everyone in this crowd would protect him with their own lives, that is the depth of the feelings we all have for this man. Never has there been a person in my lifetime that I could absolutley say was honest and dedicated to the welfare of our nation not his own wealth or stature. I am proud to be one of his crazy supporters.

Ron Paul's Secret Weapon

The Children, This is Allison whose family we met in Iowa, devoted supporters and This little girl is a sales man, featured on several You Tube Videos, This girl is headed for Stardom. While at the concert with just a sign box for her sales platform she and her brother Mike who is her financial advisor sold nearly $500 w orth of buttons which has helped us pay for our gas. Allison even made her own signs.

The Presidential Walk from the Hotel to the Convention Center Saturday.

I am not even going to try to describe all the photos, they were all taken on the walk ( parade) that Ron Paul led after the Breakfast party going over to the Straw poll to speak and vote. I have no idea of how many people were in this march but lots of them as you can see. This started early in the morning with most of us not getting more than a couple of hours sleep from the previous nights concert and rally. What a sight. We followed the Liberty Bell and there were several trucks behind us with all the signs and banners. It was a wonderful sight, at first since there had been no parade permits issued the people were supposed to walk on the sidewalks but there were just too many and it spilled over into the streets and the police just stopped traffic for us. It was beautiful.. At the end when Dr. Paul had entered the building we passed by the crowd going to our parking area and got a rousing cheer. I was so proud but then heard the crowd chanting loudly "Yea Buddy" heck they didn't care about the Grannys they loved the monkey.

As you can see it did start on the sidewalks but just kind of spilled over into the streets. It was obvious Ron Paul ruled the Straw poll and should have won hands down. Never the less with all the dirty tricks played and outright illegal shenanagins used by the GOP he still won third place. Their goal was to have Fred Thompson the winner but Duncan Hunter managed to edge him out. I will be surprised if Hunter does not issue a statement about the management of this event. If he doesn't he will certainly be shown to be one of the Neo cons himself and not worthy of consideration. I am sure he saw what was going on just as did everyone there.

Farewell for a while:

While in Texas we met a lot of old friends from all over the country, SD, OK, Iowa, Tn, NC and La. as well as Texas. People who came not to vote but to show support. Our RV stayed full of people and collected tons of paper, trash, cans and some donations too. Frankly I was rather ashamed of my housekeeping ability but there were just too many people in and out and I had much rather spend time with friends than sweep the floors. So if you notice it is a little trashy just remember it had a lot of traffic. I will not name our friends they may not want to be identified so publicly but to you of these that are featured here know I treasure your friendship and know exactly who you are.

The Sadest part of the week:

A last meal together with good friends in Texas. Hopefully I will be back in Texas before too long and will be able to be with my Friends again, it is such a pleasure to know and work with all of you.

I am headed home and look forward to another ride for freedom, I wil not be sitting still, there a re lots of small towns and cities that need a dose of Ron Paul and this Granny is just the one to give it to them. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as it is getting kind of scary on the roads sometimes. Thankfully I have the Truckers and lots of supporters on the roads with me.

Thank you all for your support.

For those of you that have a problem seeing the photos go to the website:

Again thank you all for your support in this effort.

A note from PW: Please STOP what you're doing for 2 minutes and click the following link (To send a few bucks for some gas) send at least $5 bucks. It would be a great way to say thanks to granny! (You will find the paypal link at the bottom of the page) Make YOUR Granny Proud of YOU!