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Schiff/Ron Paul 'Money Bomb' - Wants $2300 a Pice from 60,000 Database

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Hard-money financial advisor Peter Schiff, proprietor of Euro-Pacific Capital has issued a call-to-action: Support Jeffersonian-conservative presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex). Schiff has already endorsed Ron Paul, and now he is putting his money – and his clients’ as well – where his heart is. He is calling for each of the 60,000 contacts on his email list to donate $2300 apiece.

In a just-released email commentary to a personal mailing list of 60,000, Schiff is throwing his considerable leverage behind the presidential campaign’s only small-government, anti-foreign intervention candidate, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex). If Schiff’s clients, newsletter subscribers and others on his mailing list are (hypothetically) willing to do what he asks, the funds raised would be fairly staggering. Of course some, perhaps many, may have already donated some amount, but Schiff obviously believes there is a good deal more to tap.

Writes Schiff …

“There are over 60,000 names in my database. If a significant percentage of us donate $2,300 to Ron Paul, he will have a decent shot at being the Republican nominee, and he is probably the only Republican candidate capable of wining the Presidency in 2008. Come election time, this country will likely be in a severe recession, and Ron Paul is the only Republican able to distance himself from President Bush, who will clearly be blamed for the mess our economy will be in.”

And he adds …

“If you are fortunate enough to be one of my clients, writing a $2,300 check should not be a problem. As I have likely made you tons of money over the years, here is an opportunity to donate some of it to a worthy cause. We have made our money by betting against the U.S and betting against the dollar. Giving $2,300 of our winnings to Ron Paul gives us the opportunity to bet ON America for a change. And it’s a bet none of us can afford to lose, and the best part about it is that if we all make this bet together we can’t lose.

“My penchant for foreign investments has from time to time caused some of my critics to label me unpatriotic. While such attacks are clearly out of line, using some of our foreign profits to secure the election of Ron Paul goes a long way toward defusing such allegations.

“If you are not a client and you think $2,300 is a lot of money, it’s not. In fact, if Ron Paul is not our next President, such a sum will be practically worthless by the end of the term of whoever is. So what do you have to lose? Just write the check and hope for the best.


"If you donate by telephone or use the general donation web page, make sure to reference the project code “Schiff” when you do. That way I can better judge the effectiveness of this email. Once you have done so forward this email to every contact in your address book. Let’s give Ron Paul the greatest political war chest in history. In modern American politics money talks. With your help, Ron Paul’s voice can be the loudest one of all."

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