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Regarding The Republican Effort To Re-call Gov. Gray Davis

By Bob Zimmerman

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ffort to replace Gray Davis with a Republican.

Enter opportunistic body-builder and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger’s entire career is built, not on an understanding of the workings of democracy, but rather, on the projection of millions of images of violence, death, and destruction (all for his personal profit), all consistent with the ugly massacres that are the hallmark of the Bush administration. The number of children that have been brutalized by Schwarzenegger’s violent films is enormous. Schwarzenegger who says he has left his hideous sexually abusive and violence-prone behavior behind him, still profits daily from that past and uses the money he earns from it in a deceitful effort to reverse California’s lawful election. The Schwarzenegger who is not running for governor regularly degrades women by bragging about his orgiastic activities and inappropriate fondling, and has said “women are here only for sex.”

No one will deny that Gray Davis has been somewhat remote and has failed to establish a strong link with the California electorate. But Governor Gray Davis has certainly committed no crime (the only real legitimate criteria to trigger a recall). Gray Davis restored California’s eight-hour workday after the Republicans scuttled it. It is Gray Davis that has consistently stood up for California’s working people by opposing Republican anti-union activities, by increasing workers’ compensation benefits and unemployment and disability benefits. The people of California live a quality lifestyle unequaled in America, and our tax and energy rates are nowhere near the highest.

No governor of California in recent years has stood firmer for the rights of working people than Gray Davis. This ugly radical Republican recall effort is not about good government. Republicans know that the radical Bush administration is in freefall. They know that in 2004 the American electorate intends to send Republicans packing. This politically motivated recall effort is nothing more than a Karl Rove engineered plan to establish a foothold in California in a desperate attempt to capture California in the 2004 presidential election.

California voters, it is up to you to stop them in their tracks. Vote no on the recall and vote yes for Bustamante. Make sure that you are registered to vote. If you have moved since you last voted, you must re-register.

By voting no on the recall, Californians will send a strong pro-democracy message, demonstrating to all that anti-democracy propagandists cannot bamboozle Californians. The bottom line is that we must not let a bunch of grossly inept, corrupt, anti-democracy, anti-working people, anti-environment Republican radicals establish a political beachhead in our beloved California for use in 2004.

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Bob Zimmerman, author of:

The American Challenge: Twenty-One Winning Strategies for the 21st Century

