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Overthrow Of The American Republic, Part 65

Sherman Skolnick

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Was it the U.S. Presidential Election in Florida, necessary for the final step, the Electoral College vote, the year 2000?

Was it the U.S. Presidential Election in Ohio, likewise necessary for the final step, the Electoral College vote, the year 2004?

Or, was it the Ukraine election vote, November, 2004?

As to the year 2000 vote, the highest court grabbed hold of the matter, In a Five-Judge majority, like a military-style Junta. Unlike other high court matters, they said their ruling was NOT to be a precedent in any other case in the future.

The "Gang of Five" on the U.S. Supreme Court scared some folks and said there is no such thing as Americans having the right to vote for U.S. President. Americans, they arbitrarily roared, have the limited right, if at all, to vote for State Electors who are to decide who, if anyone, will be President.

[We circulated our story about judicial corruption involving the high court and others in Bush versus Gore, December, 2000 and other matters. The court-sent papers gave some of the details. Part 9 of the series, "Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts", documents attached.. The matter was then sent to a secret court, unknown to most, hearing matters involving bribery, corruption, and other misdeeds of Federal Judges. Part 10 of that series. www, The secret court has no public records, no case title, no docket number. Years ago we found out about the secret court by assisting a brave Federal Chief Judge who dared make a ruling against a major oil company and was falsely accused of wrongdoing. See the book, "Ahead of the Parade" by Sherman H. Skolnick. A small amount of what was involved in the corruption in Bush versus Gore, in the U.S. Supreme Court, was in the October, 2004 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine which did not mention us at all.]

The spear-carrier in Bush Versus Gore, was Associate Justice Antonin Scalia. In the law trade, in whispers, he is known as a completely arbitrary jurist, known as a "Go To Hell Judge". His son Eugene Scalia's law partner, Theodore B. Olson, presented the matter for George W. Bush. Judge Scalia refused to disqualify himself.

Corruptly and unlawfully installed as the occupant and resident in the White House, George W. Bush appointed Olson as Solicitor General, third highest Bush Justice Department post. Through further apparent high court corruption, Olson wiggled out of the high court a slanted copyright ruling, favoring Mickey Mouse. Disney benefited by having their copyright arbitrarily extended some 75 years. And Disney and Coca-Cola are implicated in corrupting the U.S. Supreme Court in Bush versus Gore.

Some crudely refer to Theodore B. Olson, as a "court bagman" and corrupter of judges. Olson ostensibly falsely stated his wife perished in a supposed airplane aimed as a missile in 9-11. Persistent reports have her living in France, new face, with wig.

Those reportedly involved in bribing DEMOCRAT officials to stop the Gore recount in Florida, in 2000, include Former Daddy Bush Administration official, James Baker 3rd, linked to Enron and the Bush Crime Family, such as Carlyle Group; Marc Racicot, up to December, 2000 Montana Governor reportedly linked to the banks laundering the funds from the dope trafficking, from Canada across to Montana, later he becoming Enron lobbyist and head of the Republican National Committee.

A reputed Florida 2000 election corruption facilitator was Condoleeza Rice. For ten years she had been a director of an oil firm, Chevron, linked as well to the Bush Crime Family. A French-made documentary about the Florida/2000/U.S. Supreme Court corruption mentions her.

U.S. Secret Service agents, among themselves and close associates, snicker when Ms Rice is mentioned. As National Security Advisor, she has been ever-present with George W. Bush. In whispers, they refer to her as "CANDY" RICE. Why?

Daddy Bush and son George W., are part of the pedophile/homosexual media and politics underground. [Not wishing to be mere gay-bashers, we carefully outlined the matter in Part 24 of this Overthrow series. We refer only to public persons because they are being blackmailed. For example, the Red Chinese Secret Police, much present in the U.S., are blackmailing U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets out of the Bush White House, using such details. Also, see our extensive series on the Red Chinese Secret Police in the U.S., including with Wal-Mart.]

In simple terms, George W. Bush, a bisexual several times accused rapist, is "sweet" on "CANDY" Rice. If confirmed, she may become the new Bush Secretary of State.In blunt terms, she is apparently his mistress.

She has a heavy background in Russian affairs. Several retired European intelligence agency officials refer to her as a Russian triple agent. She is at times, alternately, plotting for or against Moscow dictator V. Putin, formerly a top operator of the former Soviet Secret Political Police, the KGB.

Bushfraud as we call him, has twice, so far, benefitted from extensive vote fraud and in 2000, corruption of the Five-Judge Majority on the U.S. Supreme Court. "CANDY" Rice is instrumental, as Russian expert and chief handler of agents provocateur, in diverting attention from the massive Ohio vote fraud used to gain Bushfraud the necessary Ohio Electoral Vote, installing him corruptly again in the White House.

"CANDY" Rice may melt her petroleum-laced chocolates, going so close to the fire in promoting vote fraud commotions in the Ukraine.. Those not dumbed down by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press, may do more than laugh; they may actually see the comparison to Bushfraud and how he got into the White House.

Russian triple agent Rice waffles. She dirties up Putin as to Ukraine. Why? For one thing, the Russian press has noted that U.S. has huge casualties in Iraq. Russia, through Syria and others, has supplied Iraqi homeland patriots with weapons to kill American foreign invaders.

But then she helps Moscow promote the believeable report, that the U.S. has in their custody, a highly well-prepared double of Saddam Hussein. Still further, "CANDY" helps Putin antagonize France which is just recovering from a Bush White House instigated boycott of French imports and blockading American tourism to France. Bushfraud's financial reprisals against France for not joining the Iraq invasion, are coming apart.

Daddy Bush and others in and out of the American CIA, were instrumental in toppling the Soviet Government, 1990-91. How? Among other ways, the CIA/U.S. Treasury created highly superior counterfeit Russian paper money. Circulating that is a classic almost bloodless way to topple a Government. A creator of the topple of the Soviets idea sued Daddy Bush and others for non-payment of his huge earned commissions. A Federal Judge was corrupted to arbitrarily put the case out of court without a trial. All this denial of Due and Orderly Processes of Law and criminal obstruction of Justice, was ostensibly arranged by Russian triple agent "CANDY" Rice and reputed "court bagman" Theodore B. Olson.

Will "CANDY" Rice corrupt the high court in the Ukraine, for or against Putin and others? The overseas press may finally finger "CANDY" Rice and her corruption facilitators.

Realists point to George W. Bush as the coming of another Adolf Hitler. It might be educational, to show three pictures, side by side. George W. Bush and his mistress, "CANDY" Rice; Adolf Hitler and his mistress, Eva Braun (who reportedly became his wife in the Berlin bunker at the last moment of the Second War); and Benito Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci (in the last days of the Second War, Italian partisans seized dictator Mussolini and his mistress; executed them; and in Milan, publicly displayed their bodies, butcher-shop style, hanging upside down).

"CANDY" Rice plays a concert grand piano. Perhaps she can accompany an orchestra, made up of off-duty judges, as musicians, playing Hector Berlioz's opus "The Secret Court".

More coming. Stay tuned.


Skolnick is co-host with Lenny Bloom on a growing, popular maximum power Internet radio program, FM-quality worldwide, ON-LINE LIVE and ARCHIVED at CHECK SCHEDULE for time it is on.

Recently published, the book, "Ahead of the Parade" by Sherman H. Skolnick, A Who's Who of Treason & High Crimes---Exclusive Details of Fraud & Corruption of the Monopoly Press, the Banks, the Bench and the Bar, & the Secret Political Police.

Can be ordered U.S./Canada 1-800-861-7899.

Can also supposedly be ordered through HOWEVER recently they blockaded their own marketing and sales of this controversial book by demanding twice the listed price.

About once a year is published a heavy packet of printed stories by Skolnick. To get a copy, send $5.00 (U.S. FUNDS ONLY) plus a stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS size envelope [ # 10 envelope, 4-1/8 x 9-1/2 ] WITH THREE U.S. FIRST CLASS STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee To Clean Up The Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870.

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