No sports, no school and it’s ALL Trump’s fault, according to new Biden campaign ad, but didn’t he just say he’d lock down the ENTIRE COUNTRY for Covid?
S.D. Wells
Oh yes he did. Biden and his camp of crazed communists just ran an advertisement blaming Trump for there being no sports and no kids in classrooms, after Biden literally just finished preaching that he would listen to the scientists and lock down the entire country on house arrest until Covid is completely defeated. Oh the irony.
This is how dumb the Democrat politicians actually believe everyone, on both sides, is, that they would run an advertisement about empty football stadiums and empty classrooms being Trump’s fault. This is the same Trump who banned travel from China early on, and is now apparently to blame for every Democrat Governor and Democrat Mayor locking down their states and cities, ruining all small businesses, and canceling all in-person public school. Trump is even to blame for the recent hurricane. Climate science!
“Let’s get back in the game” — So Biden wants to have sports during Covid?
So we want football games and we want lock downs. That’s the Democrat platform communicated with this advertisement, designed and paid for by the dumbest political party to ever exist, anywhere. So we want kids in school but Biden wants the whole country on lock down, at the same time. Can someone rescue us all from Biden’s mental nursing home?
Is this a bunch of patients from an insane asylum running a political party? You cannot make this up. The Democrats are literally saying lock down the entire country for years, until Covid is completely gone (from a toxic vaccine), but that they want their football and in-person schooling for children.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious, deadly disease that’s already infected 50,000,000 Americans
And now all the riots are being blamed on Trump. Every fire, murder, rape, looting, assault and incident of property destruction is Trump’s fault, according to every American who’s suffering from “T.D.S.” – Trump Derangement Syndrome, one of the most dangerous diseases now considered a pandemic in America. Forget about Covid, this TDS has infected 50 million Americans (every person who voted for Hitlery in 2016).
Thousands of Americans have already died from TDS, through peaceful protests (deadly riots), domestic disturbances (stab your spouse for disagreeing about politics), suffocation (wearing covid mask while exercising), racial profiling (white rich guys convincing poor white dudes to kill Black people in the name of not killing Black people).
BLM is an organization with a main goal of convincing dumb white people to kill innocent Black people in the name of not killing Black people. George Soros is literally paying BLM and Antifa to kill Black civilians, cops and anyone else who likes mean orange man.
Orange Man Bad! — took away football, basketball, baseball and school so he could build his casinos and get rich
Orange Man Bad. Orange Man make football and basketball go away. Orange Man stop children from learning. Orange Man make hurricane ruin homes in Texas and Louisiana with Republican-made mega-storm. Must stop Orange Man. Must hurt people with red hats so we can all “get back in the game” and eat hot dogs while screaming at overpaid, glorified, America-hating athletes.
The Left literally believes that Trump is only in office to build casinos with tax-payer money and help Russia and Hitler look good in the process. Get ready for a landslide election where Trump not only wins over 300 electoral votes again, but the popular vote by 10 million or more. American Blacks, Hispanics and Jews are all walking away from the communist party (Democrats, socialists, globalists, etc.). Realize that every Democrat in America is voting for no police, no jails, no laws, no borders, no private business or land ownership, eternal house-arrest lock down and extremely high taxes. Welcome to the Biden Senile Pedo-Style Creep Show!
Now watch the idiocy in action:
Tune your internet dial to Trump.news for updates on more costly lock downs.
Here’s what Trump really believes about America:
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