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Death Threat Forces Last Scion Caroline Kennedy From Power

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting in the Kremlin today that President Obama’s attempt to complete the building of his power base to topple the US Federal Reserve Banking responsible for collapsing the economy of the United States, and dragging the rest of the World with it, was dealt a ‘serious setback’ with the last Kennedy scion, and daughter of the last American President to attempt to destroy the Federal Reserve, Caroline Kennedy removing herself from replacing the vacant Senate seat of the departing Hillary Clinton, and as we can read as reported by the New York Post News Service:

“Caroline Kennedy has told Gov. David Paterson that she is withdrawing her name from consideration to replace outgoing Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the U.S. Senate, The Post has learned.

Kennedy cited "personal reasons," according to sources.

Her stunning move comes as sources revealed that Paterson had intended to appoint her to the now-vacant seat today.”

These reports, however, state the ‘personal reasons’ behind Caroline Kennedy’s abrupt withdrawal was her having received a ‘direct threat’ by ‘email correspondence’ from ‘known sources’ within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) stating that should she continue her quest to become a US Senator she would become ‘a statistic like her brother’, a direct reference to the assassination of her only sibling, John F. Kennedy Jr., who was, likewise, murdered when threatening to take the US Senate seat he had been told ‘belonged’ to Hillary Clinton, the wife of the then departing President.  

Though not known by virtually any of the average Americans currently suffering under the unrelenting assault upon their economy by the US Federal Reserve Private Banking System, the purpose of this carnage they are causing has not been lost upon many of their top economists, and as we can read as reported by the Wall Street Journal News Service:

“Interest rates on bank deposits are near zero and the Federal Reserve guided them there for a reason: they want to remove incentive to save and jumpstart the spending cycle. While saving is an intuitive individual solution, it's the death knell of an economic ecosystem measured by the sum of its parts and reliant on the velocity of money.

What we're witnessing isn't a garden-variety, one-and-done recession; it's the cumulative comeuppance of a massive credit bubble rooted in faulty monetary policy aimed at avoiding small, corrective recessions.”

Equally unknown to the American people is that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated due to his signing of Executive Order 11110 on June 4, 1963, which was aimed at destroying the US Federal Reserve System and returning the power to make money to the United States Government from which it was stolen in 1913 after most of the top American industrialists opposing a central banking system were murdered with the deliberate sinking of the Titanic after their refusal to finance Britain’s planned war against Germany in World War I.

To the greatest historical context surrounding this titanic battle currently unfolding in the United States, we previously touched upon in our January 16th, report  Assassination By Plane Crash’ Of Top American Bankers Fails In US”, and wherein we explained that this current battle is a part of the war began in the 19th century when the European Rothschild Banking Empire, backing the Northern United States, engaged in open warfare with the Southern United States backed by the Vatican.

The founding fathers of the United States had long warned their citizens against the European Rothschild Banking Empire, of which we can read:

 The Founding Fathers were strongly opposed to the formation of a central banking system - the fact that England tried to place the colonies under the monetary control of the Bank of England is seen by many as the 'last straw' of English oppression and that it led directly to the War of Independence.

In 1791, Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, made a deal to support the transfer of the capital from Philadelphia to the banks of the Potomac in exchange for southern support for his Bank project. As a result, the First Bank of the United States (1791-1811) was chartered by Congress in that same year. The First Bank of the United States was modeled after the Bank of England and differed in many ways from today's central banks. For example, it was partly owned by foreigners, who would share from its profits. It was also not solely responsible for the country's money supply; its share was only 20%, while private banks accounted for the rest. The Bank was bitterly opposed by several founding fathers, including Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who saw it as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation, and corruption.”

Unfortunately, however, the masses of the American people over this past century have ignored the warnings of their Founding Fathers and have watched in horror as their Nation, since the Federal Reserves taking power in 1913, has involved them in two World Wars, the Great Depression, numerous other wars, including the Middle Eastern wars they are involved in now, a the present collapse of our World’s entire banking system.

On the ‘positive’ side though, that is depending upon which side one is on, President Obama’s ascent to the Presidency of the United States is showing that for the first time since President Kennedy’s assassination, the Vatican power structure is, once again, on the ascendancy since their defeat in 1865 during the American Civil War, but which, these reports state, almost assuredly means that another brutal American Civil War will soon have to be fought.

But, with Caroline Kennedy’s withdrawal from joining President Obama’s Forces, the new American leader is left only with his Vice President, Joseph Biden, who is the Vatican’s top political figure in the Untied States groomed for power since childhood and having withstood the murder of his wife and child upon his first election to the US Senate.

It goes without our saying that in this brief report, even when coupled with our multiyear effort through these reports to educate the American people to these true things, it is incumbent upon these people to begin a more thorough examination of these things for themselves, and which they should so choose to do will show them, unequivocally, that our words are true and what they have been taught is totally false.

Most astounding of all is that should these American people learn the truth of this massive war currently unfolding around them, and destroying many of their lives, the would realize that in order to help the forces of their new President, and help save their Nation, their support of the President Obama’s sworn enemy, the US Federal Reserve System, should cease at once, and totally.

And, the quickest way to defeat the European backed Rothschild banking empire, known as the US Federal Reserve System is to, simply, stop paying them through their criminal mortgage payments and credit card bills and, instead, start investing all of their money into US Savings Bonds, and which puts their money directly into the hands of their own President and Government instead of those European banking powers seeking to destroy them.

Should the American people decide in mass upon such an action, and as these reports state, their recovery would be ‘so swift as to amaze them all’.  But, so deluded have these people become to believing that the US Federal Reserve Systems method of defining them called Credit Scores, that they have failed to realize that these Credit Scores have actually nothing to do with them at all, but are, instead, a reflection of their worth to the very banks that are destroying them.

One can only wonder when these poor deluded people will ever awaken to the scam being perpetrated upon them.

But, one can also hope that they will awaken, and as one, rebuke as a united people the insidious powers seeking to destroy them….just like their ancestors did in founding their once Great Nation. 

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]