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You Tell 'Em Grandpa!

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This letter is from the wisest grandpa that I have ever  heard. Wish I knew who he was so I could write HIM a letter of congratulations.


Guess you heard that 68% of "the youth vote"  went to Obama. My granddaughter called this morning to tell me she was one of them. I replied with this e-mail:



The election of Obama comes down to this. Your  grandmother and I, your mother and other productive wage-earning taxpayers will have their taxes increased and  that means less income. Less income means we will have to cut back on basic purchases, gifts and handouts. That  includes firing the Hispanic lady who cleans our house twice a month. She just lost her job. We can't afford her  anymore.


What is the economic effect of Obama's election on  you personally? Over the years, your grandmother and I have given you thousands of dollars in food, housing, cash,  clothing, gifts, etc., etc. By your vote, you have chosen another family over ours for help. So in the future, if you  need assistance with your rent, money for gas, tires for your car, someone to bring you lunch,  202-456-1111. That' s the telephone number for the Office of the President of the United States. I'm sure Mr.  Obama will be happy to send a check from his personal or business accounts or leave cash in an envelope taped to his  front door.

It's like this. Those who vote for the president  should consider what the impact of an election will be on the nation as a whole and not just be concerned with what  they can get for themselves (welfare, etc.). What Obama voters don't seem to realize is that the  government's money comes from taxes collected from  taxpaying families. Raising taxes on productive people means  they will have less money to spend on their families.


Congratulations on your choice. For future reference, you  might attempt to add up all you've received from us, your mom, Mike's parents and others and compare it to  what you expect to get over the next four years from Mr.Obama.


To congratulate Mr. Obama and to make sure you're on  the list for handouts, write to:

 The White House

 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

 Washington , DC 20500


 Love you Lauren, but call the number listed above when

 you need help.