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Republican IT Guru Testifies to Congress Today on Vote Rigging for Bush & Rove

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This is amazing timing....

 Michael Connell Republican IT Guru Testifies to Congress Today on Vote Rigging for Bush & Rov

 This election November 4th is now less likely to be rigged because 

the computer IT guru of the Republican party has been exposed 

and compelled  to appear in an Ohio federal court this past Friday, Oct. 31. 

The judge ruled that he, Michael Connell, 

would have to testify under oath 

on Monday, Nov. 3 about 

his work for George Bush and Karl Rove --

electronically manipulating elections. 

So, less than 24 hours before the polls open  on Tuesday and 20 years after he began doing computer work for Bush Senior,  Michael Connell will finally have to begin answering questions about what he has done to help Republicans win (steal) elections. 

However, the questions in the deposition on Monday will be much narrower, limited to his relationship with Karl Rove, how an "intelligent  man in the middle" computer can change the tabulation of the vote, how a remote Trojan Horse computer program can manipulate the tabulation in real time as the statewide count is being tallied and effect the outcome of an election, and how the GOP company Triad was able to help rig the 2004 vote in Ohio. Some of Connell�s testimony may  be made public before the election. You can see Connell's picture beside the website he designed for McCain, atwww.velvetrevolutio www.  and there is more information at www.RoveCyberGate. www

    In the past, Michael Connell has set up websites for Bush/Quayle, Jeb Bush for Governor, Bush/ Cheney, Katherine Harris (in Florida 2000), Saxby Chambliss (who ran against Max Cleland in 2002),   SwiftBoat Veterans, Ken Blackwell (Ohio in 2004), US House Judiciary Committee, US House Intelligence Committee, US Chamber of Commerce, and now McCain/Palin. Evidence indicates that he has been at the scene of many stolen elections. Now we are beginning to understand how it was done with computers inserted invisibly into the process of tabulating the vote before the outcome is announced. Connell may well be innocent of any wrong doing. He may have only programmed the computers while others, like Karl Rove designed and carried out the dirty work. It will be for the judge to decide if he, or higher ups, are guilty. But light is being shed on his shady history and he is going to be held accountable.

    Preparing for his court hearing on Friday and deposition this Monday, Connell was surely distracted from any last minute fine tuning of his election tampering network.    Even more important, he knows that the gig is up, people are on to him and that a federal judge is watching his every move. He knows that he might go to jail if he doesn't tell who told him to do what, -implicate higher ups. And this may make the higher ups, the unseen ones calling the shots, disinclined to throw another election to the Republicans. 

They may figure it is not worth going to jail to hack another election to put McCain and Palin into the White House. Each individual one of them has to be asking;  Is this worth the risk of going to jail?  

Accountability  and the rule of law is finally catching up with them.    Work exposing this scandal, crime against democracy, began four years ago when Brett Kimberlin, the founder of Justice Through Music, realized that elections were being electronically manipulated.  He went to Rep. John Conyers who listened and decided to have hearings on it. Kimberlin put up rewards for insider information on election fraud on the Internet and heard from a lot of whistleblowers. He had to discern who was for real and what information was corroborated by others.  Sifting through loads of  information,  Kimberlin began to recognize patterns and connections between people that offered up a map of how elections had been hacked, like putting together a complex  jig saw puzzle of election fraud. While many people have been involved, some are public figures like Karl Rove, Jack Abramoff, Susan Ralston, Rep. Bob Ney,  others like Michael Connell have kept a very low profile and worked quietly behind the scenes, programming computers and setting up networks. 

Connell was clearly surprised and not at all happy to be subpoenaed in this lawsuit and brought out into the light. Kimberlin's work over the last four years has been digging all this up and bringing it out into the open, assuming that sunlight is the best disinfectant,  just in time to deter electronic manipulation of the next election. Of course, Obama probably would have won anyway because of the person he is and his terrific campaign,  but this is just one piece of the big picture that the mainstream press has not reported.  The bottom line, we may have saved this election from theft,  just in the nick of time.